Avoid double click on a button?

I have expected some useful examples. LOL. But as usual, SV example in the documentation is just about nothing…

DELAY seems to be for holding down a Button. You’ll have to test if it affects extra clicks. You need IMM also.

An idea I replied to Mark… At end of process store Last Run Date and Time. Do not allow to run again for 2 seconds

IF KeyCode()=MouseLeft2 THEN CYCLE.  ! Double click sends 2nd event 
IF  TODAY()=LastRunDate |
Do Process

Will not prevent near 23:59.

Edit: I don’t think Date is really needed. There would just be a 2 second window of time it would not run in the future.

Edit: Rejecting a double click ( IF KeyCode()=MouseLeft2 THEN CYCLE. ) will stop most of this but not all, so I would keep the above time check.


Thank you, it works.

Thank you all ! ! ! !

Some quick testing of

Window WINDOW('Scratch Clarion Hub'),AT(,,400,200),CENTER,GRAY,IMM,SYSTEM,STATUS,FONT('Segoe UI',9),RESIZE
        BUTTON('Delay 200'),AT(206,180),USE(?DelayBtn),DELAY(200),IMM

        OF ?Button1 ; DB('?Button1 clicked Key=' & KeyCode() &'  '& CLOCK() )
        OF ?Button2 ; DB('?Button2 clicked Key=' & KeyCode() &'  '& CLOCK() )         
        OF ?DelayBtn ; DB('?DelayBtn clicked Key=' & KeyCode() &'  '& CLOCK() )         

Fast clicking often (almost always) shows an Event Accepted with KeyCode=MouseLeft (1) followed by a 2nd Accepted with KeyCode=MouseLeft2 (5). Not quite so fast clicking I would sometimes see 2 Mouse Left without the Left2.

Suggest add IF KeyCode()=MouseLeft2 THEN CYCLE. would prevent most all of this problem.

The button with DELAY(200) did not prevent clicking on it again for 2 seconds. Its feature is when you click and hold it delayed the 2nd event 2 seconds, which is what the help says. Its part of an IMM button made to hold, e.g. maybe to scroll. If I click and hold after 2 seconds more events come fast. That can be controls with REPEAT(time).

Debug below. The first 2 clicks were fast but did not have Left2. The button with DELAY(200) can be clicked



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Did you ever try ALRT(MouseLeft2) on the window def for that button?. Maybe that could solve the issue without adding code?

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I thought of that also, I just confirmed ALRT with my test which is no surprise. I didn’t like the ALRT(MouseLeft2) sort of hidden on the window when reusing the code. I also think the 2 second check is still needed to prevent fast clicking that sends 2 quick Mouse Left’s

Luckily, there’s also PROP:Alrt :slight_smile:

Some quick testing of

Window WINDOW('Scratch Clarion Hub'),AT(,,400,200),CENTER,GRAY,IMM,SYSTEM,STATUS,FONT('Segoe UI',9),RESIZE
        BUTTON('Delay 200'),AT(206,180),USE(?DelayBtn),DELAY(200),IMM

        OF ?Button1 ; DB('?Button1 clicked Key=' & KeyCode() )
        OF ?Button2 ; DB('?Button2 clicked Key=' & KeyCode() )         
        OF ?DelayBtn ; DB('?DelayBtn clicked Key=' & KeyCode() )         

Seeing that fast clicking does show an Event Accepted with MouseLeft (1) followed by MouseLeft2 (5). Not quite so fast I would sometimes see 2 Mouse Left without the Left2. Conclusion IF KeyCode()=MouseLeft2 THEN CYCLE. should prevent most.

The button with DELAY(200) did not prevent clicking on it again for 2 seconds, it just delayed when holding down which is what the help says.

Another approach is to store a time of last execution (evtl. time of finishing) and to ignore subsequent triggers within a given time period.


That was the solution in post 22. If it was within 2 seconds it does CYCLE to not run processes

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