Clarion 11.1.13768 ClaODB and Dynadriver fail

just installed latest clarion 11.1.13768 and dyna drv and I have a situation where prop:SQL fails with complex structures ( select * or joins with table name substitute). Everything was fine in Clarion 11. Just now opened and compiled with clarion 11.1

My findings show that if I use claODB.dll ver all works with Clarion 11.1.13768, however if I use claODB.dll ver 11.1.13758 or 11.1.13744 then I get error executing the same sqlstatement:

HY000-Dynamic SQL Error
SQL error code = -104
Token unknown - line 1, column 124

I was wondering if anyone else get into problem like I. I dont want to keep using prior release of claodb.dll file. SQL is 100% valid as it works when I execute it in database workbench.

You should really report this error to SV.

It’s really strange how some things that are broken in 11758 and 11768 work with older CW DLLs but not with original ones. I have the same problem with Window Previewer in IDE. Works with old CLALPE.DLL but not original one. Reported to PTSS but no info yet.

Bugs like these on new releases, I recommend emailing [email protected], in addition to the PTSS.

Testing Clarion 11.1.13810 this weekend, and this is still an issue. I’ve created a new PTSS 43306 along with an example program to reproduce.

And I also sent an email to [email protected] :slight_smile:


Interesting to see the word “UCHAR”

Did you ever get this resolved with 11.1? I’m on 11.1.13815 and I just purchased the DynaDriver yesterday… so far in my tests it is working great for simple ODBC sql queries but it’s giving me errors when I do more complex queries with calculated columns, alternate names, etc… I really don’t want to roll back to C11.

I am getting this as well and for me it appears that DECIMAL data types aren’t working with the dynamic SQL. I cast them to reals and I’m able to get past the error.