Clarion 11, Unconditional Generation doesn't create new EXE/DLLs for unchanged APPs

I’m not saying this would be helpful, but I guess you could adapt from this

Try try something similar to the following, replacing what you need for your setup.

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe "F:\Playground\GetExeName\GetExeName.sln" /p:ClarionBinPath="C:\Clarion\Clarion11.1\bin" /p:NoDependency="true" /p:Configuration="Release" /p:CopyCoreFiles="true" /target:Build /verbosity:diagnostic > validation_log.txt

I think you can also substitute the .sln (solution file) with a .cwproj (project file) if you only want to validate or build a single project.

You should then get a detailed log that may point you to the fix.

Good Luck.