Clarion11.1 PE - Build 13729 Pre-Release!

There is one new PROP:

! Oracle Driver Properties
PROP:NullsInKeys        EQUATE (7263H)

I think for the first time some equates have changed value (number). I can see it for the 2 font properties so the {Font,array} works, but I wonder why for others. Maybe it makes ranges that are easier to check for AS. I’ll have some changes to make in my Wnd Preview Class.

Equate Old New Notes
PROP:FontCharSet 7A3Ah 7C14h Now Font,5 - Reuses Prop:RangeLow Prop:Range,#
PROP:CPI 7C5Bh 7C15h Now Font,6 - Reuses Prop:RangeHigh
PROP:StatusFont 0014h 0016H
Prop:Range 7C14h 7CE0h Moved just above Sheet Props at 7CE2h
Prop:RangeLow 7C14h 7CE0h Old 7C14h now PROP:FontCharSet
Prop:RangeHigh 7C15h 7CE1h Old 7C15h now PROP:CPI
PROPLIST:MouseDownRow 7C20h 7ED0h Other PROPLIST are 7E00h - 7E33h
PROPLIST:MouseMoveRow 7C21h 7ED1h so new range makes sense
PROPLIST:MouseUpRow 7C22h 7ED2h
PROPLIST:MouseDownField 7C23h 7ED3h
PROPLIST:MouseMoveField 7C24h 7ED4h
PROPLIST:MouseUpField 7C25h 7ED5h
PROPLIST:MouseDownZone 7C26h 7ED6h
PROPLIST:MouseMoveZone 7C27h 7ED7h
PROPLIST:MouseUpZone 7C28h 7ED8h
PROPLIST:Grid 7C29h 7ED9h
PROPLIST:BarColor 7C29h 7ED9h Same a Grid for compatibility with 1.5
PROPLIST:DefHdrTextColor 7C2Ah 7EDAh Text color in header
PROPLIST:DefHdrBackColor 7C2Bh 7EDBh Background color in header
PROPLIST:HdrSortTextColor 7C2Ch 7EDCh Text color in header of sort column
PROPLIST:HdrSortBackColor 7C2Dh 7EDDh Background color in header of sort column
PROPLIST:SortTextColor 7C2Eh 7EDEh Text color of sort column
PROPLIST:SortBackColor 7C2Fh 7EDFh Background color of sort column
PROPLIST:HasSortColumn 7C30h 7EE0h TRUE if sort column is supported - new v9
PROPLIST:SortColumn 7C31h 7EE1h Current sort column - new v9

Someone with 13729 could test the _C111_ symbol works with the new equate PROP:NullsInKeys

  COMPILE('**END 11.1**', _C111_)
      Message('New PROP:NullsInKeys = ' & PROP:NullsInKeys )
  !end of COMPILE('**END 11.1**', _C111_)