Until you get the data back onto your machine and decrypt it in order to see what the debug output is.
You only need the encryption in ultimate debug and a standalone app to decrypt on the dev machine.
I dont want you to think I’m having a stealth dig at you because of the timing of the post, its just I check out apps and you’d be surprised how bad some of them are, and considering the templates and classes, I think this is an easy win for Clarion users.
Have a look at this image of this debugview template I wrote Control debugview messages going to specific instance of debugview. Possible? - #6 by anon23294430
It lets you use debugview at live.sysinternals.com and its sending debugview output over the internet, probably unencrypted so everyone with infrastructure access can view whats going on, ie the spooks.
So I’m just as guilty of not encrypting debugview output.