Extremly slow compile Clarion 11

These settings could/should speed things up.
Ideally, you’d have little to no background tasks, but as its not the case, checking what runs in the background to see what could slow things up a bit like AV scanners and Cortana stuff scanning documents, emails etc, and restricting them where possible will help, ie not AV scanning clarion folders.

Master Your Quantum | Microsoft Docs

HKLM\SYSTEM \CurrentControlSet\ Control\ PriorityControl\
Dword Win32PrioritySeparation
0x26 18 6
0x15 24 6
0x16 36 6

These 3 settings give the app with focus the most amount of cpu time. On slow laptops, once everything is loaded from startup, it can make some apps more responsive which can delay a machine upgrade.

Look at this post, released just today!
How to disable and re-enable hibernation - Windows Client | Microsoft Docs

Hibernation file stores the state of programs running and memory. Great if you suffer from unexpected power outages and dont have a battery backup, not so great if you need speed though as a copy needs to be made of each and every program service running plus a copy of ram dumped to disk to make it all start up fast. And all these extra read/writes for hibernation files will wear out SSD and NVMe drives more quickly!

Couple ways to do things as always.
cmd.exe powercfg.exe -h off|on

regedit.exe HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power
Dword HibernateEnabled 0|1
Dword HibernateEnabledDefault 0|1

HibernateEnabledDefault=1 on my machine and I thought I had it switched off, so I will be changing it to 0 later.

HibernateEnabled is referenced on loads of websites but as MS dont do a definitive list of reg settings like the do with group policy, I havent tested this reg setting to see if it does anything and how it relates to the one already in my registry. I am hopeful that eliminating the hibernation file might reduce the random hangs in C11 though.

A group policy XLS spreadsheet listing all group policies.
Download Group Policy Settings Reference Spreadsheet Windows 1803 from Official Microsoft Download Center

This is about the best I can find from MS on the registry which is a good overview but not a complete list of every registry setting to know what they do sadly.
Windows registry for advanced users - Windows Server | Microsoft Docs

FWIW. :grinning:

Edit. I should add, I dont really see the need to have hibernation running and a swap file running if there is enough ram and reliable power. Certainly the swapfile C:\pagefile.sys and the hibernation file c:\hiberfile.sys are doing very similar tasks with some duplication and I dont see the point in duplicating this stuff personally.