In a paragraph how would you sum up Templates to someone?

What I wrote about here (editing the templates) Use Update Form to confirm Delete instead of Message - #3 by anon23294430

is something that I do.

Standardising the controls so things like all buttons are 12 or 14px high instead of a mish mash would be a start, some have icon’s some dont, justification is another.

I dont know what SV would say about having the templates in a Github repo, would these be on public display or something, I’ve not used Github so dont know how it work?

But like you say, there are area’s of improvement which could be made.
Accessing Exported Classes from a DLL is another area I would look at from a security perspective because its not like the Classes cant be used to bypass any security built into an app or be used to get into a database. Demystifying Shims - or - Using the App Compat Toolkit to make your old stuff work with your new stuff - Microsoft Tech Community

At least any potential hacker would have had to reverse engineer the dll (made easy with GitHub - NationalSecurityAgency/ghidra: Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework) to get at the code and thus into any database, and hackers love databases or exposing people very much like a media exclusive.

Security is something which needs to be taken seriously imo.

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