Is there a way to copy a QUEUE from a CLASS into a procedure to make LIST boxes easier to setup?

I am aware of this, because the built in/shipping templates add 4 additional fields to hold the info for things like colors and the list box formatter is usually set to auto instead of the fieldnumber of the q.

Thats what I’m doing at the moment, and because my q’s start off from a Type’d queue, I have one list box switching between multiple queues which have been spawned from one of the Type’d q’s but I want them to have their own listbox in the app

?CarsList{prop:from} = MyQ1
?CarsList{prop:from} = MyQ2

I have a few Type’d queues in this class and from an appgen user perspective, it would be nice I think, if there were a quicker way to utilise these class q’s in the appgen. I know we can easily do hand code in the appgen, but it would be nicer if the appgen could link up with classes a bit more, pulling in info from the classes, like displaying the class variables in a way they can work with screen controls.

Another example, in the appgen, if I Esc out of a procedure, it pops up and asks me if I want to save changes. If I’m writing a class and have edited a method, and then build and compile an app with that class, it would be nice if the appgen could work with the ide and other instances of the IDE when spread over multiple monitors, to recognise a source code file has changed but not been saved, because that would save some unnecessary posts :grinning:eg How to access class properties from a parameter prototype without &reference assigning it but Assert fails!?! - questions / tips - ClarionHub

Anyway I thought I’d ask…

Thanks all!