Join CW-Talk on Slack!

Join CW-Talk on Slack!

Ok sure… yes we already have Skype Chat Groups, the Official Softvelocity Newsgroups, the Clarion Google+ Community and probably a few more but how about a Slack team? Well, wonder no more! :smiley:

Edit: Slack now has added support to create an invite link! Click this to join the cw-talk on slack!

It has been active for a while now but somewhat quiet. Also, it was by manual invite only so that was a bit boring. Now you can self-invite thanks to the excellent [slackin][1] project.

Slackin hosted on a free azure web app -
(It may take a while to warm up if no one has visited in a while so be patient please!)

EDIT: The self invite is no longer active, see below.

This topic is no longer a banner. It will no longer appear at the top of every page.

I had to move Azure accounts and setting up Slackin was a massive drama. Since slack is not exactly active I have decided to return to manual invite only mode and save on the node/npm/gulp/grunt/git/bash/avocado hipster tax :bearded_person:
Send a PM or leave a message on this thread if you want to join the slack group!

Slack now has added support to create an invite link! Click this to join the cw-talk on slack!

Nope. This does not work either!
How many are on the slack stream?

How about this one Click this to join the cw-talk on slack!

Looks like about 50 people joined, no idea how many of those actually have slack open regularly.