Libcurl faq (

Q. How to translate following NetTalk code into libcurl?

 webclient.SetValue('user', 'mike')
 webclient.SetValue('password', '12345')
 webclient.SetValue('file', FileName, true)

A. curl is TCurlHttpClass:

curl.FormAdd('user', 'mike')
curl.FormAdd('password', '12345')
curl.FormAddFile('file', filename)
res = curl.FormPost(url)

Thanks for your work!!!
What about updating to current libcurl (7.65.3)?? It has a lot of bugfixes since v7.63.0…



v1.43 is available to download.

This was FAST!!! :slight_smile:
Thank you!!!

Q. How to add HTTP headers? I used

curl.AddHttpHeader(‘x-test: text’)

but those headers never make it to the PHP service.

A. Call curl.SetHttpHeaders() to commit headers added by AddHttpHeader():

curl.AddHttpHeader(‘x-test: text’)
curl.AddHttpHeader(‘y-test: text’)

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Q. a SSL site throws errors when trying to connect.

A1. Don’t verify the authenticity:

  curl.SetSSLVerifyPeer(FALSE)  !- Don't verify the authenticity of the peer's certificate.
  curl.SetSSLVerifyHost(FALSE)  !- the connection succeeds regardless of the names in the certificate.

A2. Download the Mozilla CA certificate store PEM file from here and call this:

  curl.SetSSLVerifyPeer(TRUE)  !- not necessary, it is default option
  curl.SetSSLVerifyHost(TRUE)  !- not necessary, it is default option

Thanks to Arnor Baldvinsson for sharing.

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What license is used for this code?



No license is used for this code.

Hi Mike,

I am stuck.

I have setup:
respBuffer &IDynStr

And I use: res = curl.SendRequest(Loc:URL, PostString, respBuffer)

The result I get back is big and it seems to be cutoff before the end of the message.
The start tag I need to get the data from is there but there is no end tag.
The return is a XML file and the section I need is Base64 encoded.

Johan de Klerk


What happens if you call SendRequest to save response to a file?

Hi Mike,

I then get the complete return with the end tags.

Johan de Klerk

Well, then check dynstr buffer - save its content to a file.

Hi Mike,

Thanks for the suggestion.
I can now save the complete file.
Load it into StringTheory, extract the section I need, Base64Decode it, save it as a ZIP file.
The only problem that I still need to solve is how to get the files extracted from the saved ZIP file.

Johan de Klerk

Hi Johan,

I just suggested to check dynstr buffer validity.

Hi Mike,

Thanks all sorted.
Works perfect.
LibCurl to the rescue again.

Johan de Klerk

Q. Is it possible to show a progress bar during the execution of curl.SendRequest?

A. Yes it is possible, you should derive XFerInfo callback method, for example:

curl                        CLASS(TCurlClass)
XFerInfo                        PROCEDURE(REAL dltotal, REAL dlnow, REAL ultotal, REAL ulnow), LONG, DERIVED

curl.XFerInfo         PROCEDURE(REAL dltotal, REAL dlnow, REAL ultotal, REAL ulnow)
  IF dlnow
    !- downloaded {dlnow} of {dltotal} bytes
  IF ulnow
    !- uploaded {ulnow} of {ultotal} bytes
  RETURN PARENT.XFerInfo(dltotal, dlnow, ultotal, ulnow)

Hi Mike,

Will you be updating to LibCurl Ver 7.80.0 - November 10 2021.

Not pushing, your LibCurl is still working 100% for what I use it for in C6.3 and C10.
Just thinking of all the Bug Fixes since 7.65.3 update.


Johan de Klerk

Hi Johan,

I will update the binaries later today or tomorrow.

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v1.50 is on GitHub now.

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Hi Mike,

Thank you very much.
You are fast as always.


Johan de Klerk