But your EXE will link in sections from the DLL, so @jslarve point is still valid.
I found this mention of UFO as a data type on PaulA website. Original posts here.
The info on PaulA site is old as it refers to 16bit windows calls like
_llseek function (winbase.h) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn
_lread function (winbase.h) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn
but new enough for the new data types. Its interesting UFO is considered a datatype. I’m also well aware these CPU’s dont know what instructions they should be running, hence the existence of program code, so in some respects they are like an evolved telephone exchange, occasionally they get a crossed wire, which could explain the randomness you see. MS does make it easier, by giving each program its own little sandbox to play in, but its not foolproof.