Missing files C60ZLIBX.DLL and ITUtilityClass.inc

Dose any one know where get these files and what they do C60ZLIBX.DLL and ITUtilityClass.inc

I don’t know about C60ZLIBX, but ITUtilityClass.inc is most like from www.icetips.com and @ArnorBld

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Hi Tony,

I have a c60zlib.dll in an old Clarion 6 folder, but it has no author information in it or anything else. I also have a zlib_cs.dll in my 3rdParty\Bin folder that comes from Capesoft. The C60zlib.dll doesn’t seem to have anything in it that indicate where it’s from - at least I can’t find anything. This is what looks to be the exported functions in the library:
c60zlib.dll _adler32@12

The ITUtilityClass.inc is from our Icetips Utilities.

Best regards,

Hi Arnor - ClaRun.dll exports a whole bunch of procedures prefixed with ZLIB. Perhaps you just need to fix NAME() attributes for your prototypes and ditch the c60zlib.lib from the project.

Hi Jeff,

No idea. I’ve never used either. That C60ZLIBX.DLL that Tony has issues with is not something I have ever known about. It’s obviously something Clarion related, but if it was from SV I’m sure it would have contained information about it coming from SV. I don’t know if this got installed with Clarion6 or if some third party installed it. I have another “clean” C6 install and it’s not there.

Best regards,

Could have been an EE thing. I see that file in the install logs for EE.

So wherever the customer is using that functionality, they need to update the prototypes or something so that it points to the ZLIB prefixed exports in ClaRun.DLL.

Hi Tony,

I’m pretty sure the DLL is from ZLIB: https://www.zlib.net/

It’s an open source ZIP library and it looks like someone may have distributed it with something. No idea what or who.

Best regards,