Presumably that was a joke as well, because what you say doesn’t really make any sense. But even if it did, the point is that you’re not going to do it, and neither is anybody else. Clarion (the entire package, not the language itself) may well have been “ahead of the game” at one point in time, but nowadays it’s not even clear that SV/Clarion is even in the game! And that’s very unlikely to change.
Is this some reverse psychology challenge thing?
Clarion’s got Assembler, C, C++, Pascal & Modula-2 compilers so what cant it do?
What I want from an IDE doesnt exist, Clarion is closest but there are multi bit cpu’s that exist, although most people would think its limited to 8but, but you can get 6bit cpu’s and others. Assembler rules the roost when it comes to building a new lay ie a new language and then there is two routes, an app with direct control over the hardware or via an OS which provides a framework to the hardware.
Thats all a computing device/industrial control system is, when you step back from the coal face.
I still don’t understand you. Are you saying that people have written compilers for those languages using the Clarion tools provided by SV, or that one can use any of those languages from within the Clarion tools? If you mean the former, then so what? One could do the same using GW-BASIC. If the latter, then yes, I know you can compile C/C++ from within Clarion, but the language support and headers haven’t been updated since the early 90’s, so it’s next to useless. As to Pascal etc, I don’t think so.
The reason for the delay in the Community Edition of Clarion was explained by Robert Zaunere in his latest talk. See Clarion Live #681
I just wish they had announced it in “November” instead of keeping quiet for 3 years.
Whilst other links suggest Windows accounts for about 74% of desktop OS’s, the W3 counter suggests Win10 is still the dominant OS which accounts for 18% of the Windows OS’es seen online, with Windows 7 at 3%. Cant see Win11 anywhere.
I’m not going to listen to 90 minutes of nothing, so could you possibly summarize the reason (excuse) given for the delay? I don’t have any faith in anything Bob Z says any more. His word means nothing. And I’m still waiting on my refund from the scam that was Clarion.Net!
Lol, sounds about right. As a one man show, Clarion will never become anything more than it is today. Bob Z is determined to take Clarion to his grave, rather than relinquish just a bit of control and give it a fighting chance. The only way forward is down, unfortunately. C’est la vie.
You said it so nicely. I am also still waiting.
I even asked if they can use $800.00, of the $1600.00 I paid for Clarion.Nothing, on a CSP renewal then use the remaining $800.00 for the next CPS renewal.
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No, I’m not going to summarize it when you can hear it from him directly. Clearly your mind is already made up, so what’s the point?
I waited for the community edition until I realised that it wasn’t going to happen. Then I spent $1000 (a lot of money when the exchange rate is 18:1) and got a 1-year license and subscription, which has since run out. I have met many great people at the last 2 CIDC events, and I think I got my money’s worth.
Bruce’s comments at CIDC2020/2 were spot on: Clarion has been in “imminent demise” mode for the last 2 decades or more. Yet we continue to use it because of what it does now, not for what it may or may not do in the future. The same applies to Windows, Office, and just about every other software package I have ever bought.
I stopped using Clipper and dBase III Plus when it failed to move to Windows, along with WordStar, Turbo Pascal, XyWrite III Plus, and a number of other products. But Clarion moved to Windows and you can still use old versions of Clarion on modern versions of Windows. I am still using Microsoft Access 97 to develop software for my biggest client. So even if Microsoft cancels Access tomorrow I really don’t care. I’m using what works, and has worked since 1997. I have even published a free Access 97 Runtime Tester which installs Access 97 on Windows XP through to Windows 11.
As I learn Clarion I’m popularising it by writing blog articles about what I learn. Bob Z didn’t know about this, and hasn’t acknowledged my emails about it either. Why should he? He’s busy getting the next version of Clarion to do things we can’t do at the moment. If they are worth another $1000 I’ll send him the money.
Maybe I’ll find the time to rewrite one of the example programs and make it look like it wasn’t written for Windows 3.1. No one else seems to be interested in doing something like that, which is probably another reason why the “Community Edition” doesn’t have a community.
Just to be clear, you mention 1 year subscription. If that is for Clarion itself, then the subscription is all the way from ClarionX to ClarionX+1 gold.
If you bought the subscription for Clarion 11, it’s good for all the updates of Clarion 11 up to and including Clarion 12 gold.
I personally would be happier to pay a yearly subscription as I feel it would make funds available to Softvelocity which in turn has to be good for the product. SV hasn’t had a dime out of me since 2018.