Some cursors that Clarion forgot?

Clarion comes with these:

CURSOR:None       EQUATE ('<0FFH,01H,00H,00H>')
CURSOR:Arrow      EQUATE ('<0FFH,01H,01H,7FH>')
CURSOR:IBeam      EQUATE ('<0FFH,01H,02H,7FH>')
CURSOR:Wait       EQUATE ('<0FFH,01H,03H,7FH>')
CURSOR:Cross      EQUATE ('<0FFH,01H,04H,7FH>')
CURSOR:UpArrow    EQUATE ('<0FFH,01H,05H,7FH>')
CURSOR:Size       EQUATE ('<0FFH,01H,81H,7FH>')
CURSOR:Icon       EQUATE ('<0FFH,01H,82H,7FH>')
CURSOR:SizeWE     EQUATE ('<0FFH,01H,85H,7FH>')
CURSOR:SizeNS     EQUATE ('<0FFH,01H,86H,7FH>')
CURSOR:Hand       EQUATE ('<0FFH,01H,8AH,7FH>')
CURSOR:DragWE     EQUATE ('<0FFH,02H,01H,7FH>')
CURSOR:Drop       EQUATE ('<0FFH,02H,02H,7FH>')
CURSOR:NoDrop     EQUATE ('<0FFH,02H,03H,7FH>')
CURSOR:Zoom       EQUATE ('<0FFH,02H,04H,7FH>')

…but that list is not quite right. I think that winuser.h has the correct list. I don’t have a winuser.h lying around but a quick google shows up a few which incidentally also indicates some of these are in fact now obsolete.

There is also a list at the docs for SetSystemCursor function

Take for example:


Translating this to clarion land you add 1 and convert to hex gives you 7F8B the Clarion SetCursor function then wants that presented like so:


These appear to be some potentially useful additional cursor equates:

CURSOR:SIZEALL      EQUATE('<0FFH,01H,87H,7FH>') ! Replaces the obsolete CURSOR:Size
CURSOR:NO           EQUATE('<0FFH,01H,89H,7FH>')
CURSOR:HAND         EQUATE('<0FFH,01H,8AH,7FH>') ! #if(WINVER >= 0x0500) ?
CURSOR:APPSTARTING  EQUATE('<0FFH,01H,8BH,7FH>') ! #if(WINVER >= 0x0400) ?
CURSOR:HELP         EQUATE('<0FFH,01H,8CH,7FH>')

Anyone have any others? I think there are some “Pan” cursors similar to the “Size” ones but I did not find any documentation yet.