Tip: Change APP Tree Mode view faster using Toolbar buttons

Watching the ClarionLive Open Webinar lets you see how others are using the IDE. I often see developers using the Tree Mode Drop List to change APP views. A faster way is there are 6 buttons on the end of the toolbar that change the Tree Mode view in 1 click:


Totally agree, I never use the tree mode drop list anymore.

And where/what is the setting that allows those toolbar buttons to be visible?

On my machine, it’s on the application toolbar. So I guess, try opening an app.

Got it. I only had a solution open, but not an App file.

I forgot about a favorite tool GifCap.dev that does screen capture videos without installing, you give permission to share your screen with the web page. An Animated GIF makes this a bit more obvious.

GifCap has the option to grab a Screen (monitor) or Window. If I just grab the Clarion window then the tool tips do not get captured so I grabbed the Screen. It has an easy way to drag a crop rectangle over the capture so I end up with just part of Clarion.

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Good tip, now the bonus question: This there some way to hide that drop down list? Then I would be forced to use the buttons so I would get used to. Otherwise I will forget this tip of course.

Can’t believe how many years i’ve been using the drop down list instead of the toolbar! Creature of habit, ugh.