Win Defender find virus in new .exe compiled

Hello everyone, by chance has anyone experienced the following situation:
→ one of the .exe be scanned with virus?
On clients I have 5 executables, but only one of them does Windows Defender find a virus.
Shortly after compilation, Defender already appears as a virus.
This started after I installed CW 11.

Are you creating a manifest file for your exe’s? I was getting hassles from the UAC messages until I did that.

Also, try uploading the EXE to VirusTotal and see what the other anti-virus engines have to say

Hello DonnEdwards
I never made the manifest.
Do I generate it in this window?

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Correct. I’m new to it too, but it solved my issues. I hope it fixes yours.

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Hi, yes it helped me a lot and I downloaded Mike Duglas .tpl that corrects the manifest, and apparently it’s working fine.
The link is below.
Thank you very much…!


I had similar problem even though I was using manifest. In my case it turned out that I specified a “translation file” for Capesoft Messagebox but did not copy that file to the exe directory, so it was looking for it in C:\Windows
Unfortunately Windows Defender does not show the reason for blocking, so I only found it out when I run this exe on a machine with another av solution

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