@Echo Off REM Place this batch file in your APP folder where the .APP and SLN etc reside REM this will produce a Unique FileName like "Bckup_2023_09_28T20_13_33.ZIP" CLS setlocal set D=%DATE:/=_% set T=%TIME::=_% set suffix=%D%T%T:~0,8% Echo Date: %D% Time: %T% Suffix:%suffix% Echo ---- REM Folder to store the files/folder to be zipped etc. And the Cloud Destination folder set BakFld="c:\temp\Backup\TheAPPFolder" set CloudDestination="C:\Users\YourUserNAme\OneDrive\Backups Cloud\TheAPPFolder" REM Set the File names and or extensions to INCLUDE Set BakFiles=*.clw *.inc *.app *.dct *.cwproj *.sln *.manifest *.red *.lib *.XML *.cur *.ico *.png *.jpg *.bmp *.gif *.bat *.ini *.msbuild *.txt *.h *.html *.SBP *.TTF *.TPS REM Set the Folders to EXCLUDE. like the folder where the exe, generated clws go etc. Set DirExclude=Backup OBJ log web certificates set SrcFld="." Set LogFile=%SrcFld%\LOG\_RoboCopy_%suffix%.LOG set BakZip="Bckup_%suffix%.ZIP" Echo From %SrcFld% To %BakFld% ZIP FileName %BakZip% REM Make a LOG folder MD LOG :Backup REM ROBOcopy %SrcFld% %BakFld% *.clw *.inc *.app *.dct *.cwproj *.sln *.manifest *.red *.lib *.cur *.ico *.png *.gif *.bat *.ini *.msbuild *.txt *.h /E /XD %DirExclude% /MT /R:2 /W:5 /PURGE /TEE /LOG+:%SrcFld%\_RoboCopy_%suffix%.LOG ROBOcopy %SrcFld% %BakFld% %BakFiles% /E /XD %DirExclude% /MT /R:2 /W:5 /PURGE /TEE /LOG+:%LogFile% :ZIP echo Zipping up folder %BakFld% echo -------------------------------- powershell Compress-Archive -Path %BakFld%\* -DestinationPath %BakZip% IF ERRORLEVEL == 1 PAUSE :ToCloud Cls Echo Transfering to the cloud folder: %CloudDestination% ... Robocopy %SrcFld% %CloudDestination% %BakZip% /LOG+:%LogFile% /Z :END