Here is a complete example for adding TopScan to the IDE toolbar as a button.
I’ve included the instructions for making the icon, as well as the finished addin and resources.
The Addin belongs in \clarion\accessory\addins
The resource belongs in \clarion\accessory\addins\resources
Step 1: To create the Icon resource from a .ICO file
Using SharpDevelop, version 2.2.1 (apparently the version matter).
SharpDevelop can be installed on the same machine as clarion itself.
- File / New / File / Misc / Empty Resource File
- Save as
- Should now see an empty resource area in the IDE. right-Click on the area and choose Add Files
- Select your icon file (note 1)
- The icon will be added. Click on the name to rename it. In this example I’m going to call it topscan.icon
- Save the resources file
Note 1: The icon file should contain a single icon image of a specific resolution and size.
Step 2: Include the resource in the addin
Assuming the file created in Step 1 is called topscan.BitmapResources.resources
and assuming it is installed into the resources subfolder of the topscan.addin file the following is added into the Addin;
<BitmapResources file="Resources\topscan.BitmapResources.resources" />
Step 3: Assuming the name of the icon in the resource is whatever.icon
Then inside the <Menuitem>
place the following attribute;
icon = "topscan.icon"
The final example addin looks like this;
<AddIn name = "topscan"
author = "example"
copyright = "public domain"
url = ""
description = "">
<Identity name = "topscanToolbarButton" version="1.0"/>
<BitmapResources file="Resources\topscan.BitmapResources.resources" />
<Path name = "/SharpDevelop/Workbench/ToolBar/Standard">
<MenuItem id = "topscanToolbarButton"
label = ""
icon = "topscan.icon"
link = "home://.\bin\topscan.exe" />
The addin is placed in \clarion10\accessory\addin
and the topscan.BitmapResources.resources
file is in \clarion10\accessory\addin\resources
Example resource file, and addin file are below:
topscan.addin (600 Bytes)
topscan.BitmapResources.resources (4.7 KB)