Adding a filter window for a Report

Hi there my fellow Clarion friends. Hope you are all well.
I need to know how to attach a window to a report procedure where I can enter dates filters etc

Many thanks.

Hi @Tonymarshall

If this is ABC, then the window is already defined for you in the report procedure.

You will need to add the “Pause Button” control template, and set it’s settings like the following.

You will then need to handle the applying of the filter when the user has filled in the all appropriate fields.

I hope that gets you on your way.


It’s been a long time since I’ve been in appgen, working on reports, but in the past, I’ve always used a ReportDialog() type of procedure.

IF MyReportDialog(Options)

This way, you never even touch the report procedure until you have all of the parameters set.

Works pretty well.

This subject matter might be a bit dry for developers, but it’s an app I used to work on.

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Kind of like Jeff said I usually have a Window template procedure ask the questions. It has a Print button that calls the Report procedure. Sometimes the window choices will call a different Report Procedure, then it works better for the Window to Run the Report.

If “Trend” is picked in the upper-right option then the “Trend” procedures are called.


The next problem is how to get those criteria to the Report. The easy way is to make them Global or Module variables. Best Threaded or limit report window to 1 start. W/O THREAD they are Static, so retain the last choices, which may or may not be desirable. You can also retain the last criteria in an INI file.

Better is to pass them as parameters to the Report procedure. If there are a bunch of criteria define a Named Group type (which has to be Global is scope) and pass that 1 thing.

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See the included example apps,, new style report procedure. It has an example, exactly as Mark has described.

Hi Thanks so much for your response. Sorry for my ignorance. I am running Clarion 8 and have no clue where to find these report Clarion. I saw an App whereby when you print a certain report it first opens a window whereby you can enter date filters etc. See below. I need to know how to attach the window with the various criteria to the report procedure

Thanks so much for all your help


What version of Clarion are you using and what templates are used for your application - ABC, or Clarion templates? The people example app is written using the ABC templates, there is no window linked to a report if you are using the “Clarion” templates for your application.

The link you posted doesn’t work, if it is meant to?

I am using Clarion 8.

More info needed to be of assistance.