Searching the NG is a pain. Here is the template from that thread in case anyone needs it. Is it true this is happening again in C10?
#! Author: Marius van den Berg
#! Fixes the bug where the alt button hangs an application
#! If a window is open in an application in windows 7, the app will freeze up if the user presses alt
#! to access the file menu
#! The problem occurs if the ALt/F10 was only pressed without any hot keys
#! So basically all the template does is, if only ALT was pressed when any windows
#! in the app are open I capture the KeyCode - event and do nothing
#! If no windows are open however, the app will call the menupress manually.
#Template(MBWin7Fix,'Marius van den Berg Templates'),FAMILY('CW20'),Family('ABC')
#Extension(MBWin7Fix,'Marius van den Berg Windows 7 Fix'),APPLICATION
#! #CALL(%ReadABCFiles(ABC))
#Display('Marius van den Berg Windows 7 Alt Button Fix')
#! Set the altkey as an alertkey
#!WF7:Flag Byte
#! #If(%WindowStateMent<>'')
#! #If(%MenuBarStateMent='')
#! ! Set the Tab Key And F10 Key as Alert Keys MBWin7Fix
#! %Window{Prop:Alrt,254}=1024
#! %Window{Prop:Alrt,255}=F10Key
#! #EndIf
#! #EndIf
#!#AT (%WindowEventHandling, 'AlertKey')
#! #If(%WindowStateMent<>'')
#! #If(%MenuBarStateMent='')
#! ! Only select the menu if no window was open MBWin7Fix
#! If KeyCode() = 1024 ! If Tab was Pressed
#! If Thread() = 1 Then
#! PressKey(F10Key)
#! End
#! End
#! If KeyCode() = F10Key ! If F10 was Pressed
#! If Thread() = 1 Then
#! PressKey(ALTF)
#! End
#! End
#! #EndIf
#! #EndIf
if windowsversion()>5
%Window{Prop:Alrt,254}=1024 ! Set the Alt Key as Alert Keys MBWin7Fix; na ovaj naèin alt neæe raditi
Also, looks like this could do with some work. Perhaps someone has an updated version around?