An Unexpected Error occurred while building this project - clarion 11.0.13630 - build with older Version 11.0.13401

I am running the C11.0.13630 build.
But pointing at an earlier C11 environment. (11.0.13401)

Compiling a hand-coded project I got
“An Unexpected Error occurred while building this project”

Completely by fluke, I tried turning off the two new Project settings,
Dynamic Base, and Data Execution Prevention.
Error went away.

To change project settings, go to Project menu, Project Options, Compiling tab.


Makes sense to me. Hard to future proof a compiler/linker

Reported in Skype Mike got this same “An Unexpected Error” using new 11.1.13744 building with older Version 9.1.11497.

Same solution to uncheck Dynamic Base Address and Data Execution Prevention:

I wanted to post this because I think 11.1 will get used more than 13630 with its PROC bug. Anyone building with an older Version will probably see this error.

Seems possible for SV to change build to spot Version is older than 11.0.11622 and not pass the LINKER these new /DYNAMIC_BASE and /DEP in the LNK file:

*/--- Clarion 11.13622  Sept. 4, 2020 ----- Fixes/Changes/Features--/
FEATURE: New DEP command in the EXP file and /DEP option in the LNK file
FEATURE: New DYNAMIC_BASE command in the EXP file and /DYNAMIC_BASE option in the LNK file

I ran into this last week building with 11.1 but using 11.0 Compiler / Linker. I think the error opened the EXP and I noticed the 2 lines DYNAMIC_BASE and DEP. I knew those were 11.1 only, so changed the Project to uncheck those and it worked.


Do my tip is if you see these lines in your EXP file they only work in some 11.1.


I tripped on this myself a couple of days ago. It definitely requires some attention.