ANN: Easy Edge (Chromium) ver 2.01 released!

SDK: 1.0.2210.55

The browser extension API
Developers would like to ensure a browser extension is installed so that they may take advantage of the functionality the extension is providing.

NEW: AreBrowserExtensionsEnabled environment option/template prompt: enable/disable browser extensions.
NEW: TBrowserExtensionManager class: allows to install, remove, enable, get a browser extension.
NEW: OnBrowserExtensionsChanged event.
NEW: Browser extensions example.

Default script locale
ScriptLocale property is to specify the default script locale. It sets the default locale for all Intl JavaScript APIs and other JavaScript APIs that depend on it, namely Intl.DateTimeFormat() which affects string formatting like in the time/date formats. CoreWebView2ControllerOptions.ScriptLocale Property (Microsoft.Web.WebView2.Core) | Microsoft Learn

NEW: ScriptLocale environment option/template prompt.

NEW: OnExceptionThrown event: provides an info about thrown handled exception. The info contains exception type, message, hresult, source, and stack trace.

TCookieManager class
FIX: GetCookies method didn’t work in Release mode.

This release is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan.

More info and DEMO at


2 useful browser extensions: Markdown viewer and AdBlock.

  1. Markdown viewer
    Download latest and unzip. In the EasyEdgeDemo.exe open Browser extensions form, press Install, and select a folder which contains manifest.json file (usually it is extension’s root folder, “markdown-viewer” in this case). You should see that “Markdown Viewer” extension appears in the extensions list, now you can view formatted md files in Web browser window.
  2. AdBlock
    Download latest, repeat the steps from above.
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