SDK: 1.0.2739.15
WebView2 Runtime: For full API compatibility, this version of the WebView2 SDK requires WebView2 Runtime version 128.0.2739.15 or higher. Release notes: Release Notes for the WebView2 SDK - Microsoft Edge Developer documentation | Microsoft Learn
Delivering the Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime to Windows 10 Consumers: Delivering the Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime to Windows 10 Consumers - Microsoft Edge Blog
Microsoft: We’re bringing Edge WebView2 to more Windows 10 devices, and here’s why: Microsoft is bringing more Loop components to Microsoft Teams and Outlook | ZDNET
[Announcement] Microsoft Edge and Adobe partner to improve the PDF experience (Issue #81) [Announcement] Microsoft Edge and Adobe partner to improve the PDF experience · Issue #81 · MicrosoftEdge/WebView2Announcements · GitHub
Notifications API.
WebView2Feedback/specs/ at api-notification · MicrosoftEdge/WebView2Feedback · GitHub.
- NEW: NotificationReceived event: raised when a non-persistent notification is received.
- NEW: TClaEdgeNotification class: represents a HTML Notification object.
- NEW: TClaEdgeNotificationManager class: manages the notifications handled by the host app.
- NEW: Notifications example.
Chromium DevTools Protocol (CDP) API.
Target domain support (Chrome DevTools Protocol - Target domain).
- NEW: TClaEdgeBase.bUseCDPTargets property: enables a Target domain support.
- NEW: TClaEdgeBase.cdpTargetInfos property: a list of available targets.
Environment options.
- NEW: ChannelSearchKind: the WebView2 loader searches for binaries from least to most stable: Canary → Dev → Beta → WebView2 Runtime.
- NEW: TargetCompatibleBrowserVersion: the version of the WebView2 Runtime binaries required to be compatible with your app.
- NEW: ReleaseChannels: a mask of one or more CoreWebView2ReleaseChannels indicating which channels environment creation should search for.
- NEW: ScrollBarStyle: ScrollBar style to be used.
- CHG: overloaded TClaEdgeBase.AddWebResourceRequestedFilter supporting a request source filter.
ExecuteScript API.
- CHG: OnScriptResult event is extended to receive javascript exception.
- CHG: ExecuteScriptAsync(pScriptName, jsScript, pUnescapeResult) is extended to pass boolean pHandleException argument. If true then OnScriptResult event will receive an unhandled exception info.
Nonclient region support.
- NEW: IsNonClientRegionSupportEnabled: Enables nonclient region support.
- FIX: WebView could throw an exveption on TClaEdge.Kill method if ProcessFailed event happened.
This release is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan.
More info and DEMO at