ANN: EasyHTML ver 2.08 released!

Requirements: min .Net 4.5.2

CHG: InsertingImagePrompt event now accepts image width and height arguments.
NEW: BeforeProcessCommand and AfterProcessCommand events allow custom code injection before and after an action calling by the toolbar buttons and context menu items.
NEW: A list of command constants used in BeforeProcessCommand and AfterProcessCommand events.

This release is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan.

EasyHTML is a Clarion wrapper around a .NET assembly DLL for working with HTML control in Clarion easily.

Key features:

  • Provides WYSIWYG editing / browsing capabilities (Standard Text Editing, loading, saving etc) based on WebBrowser control
  • Full UNICODE support
  • Built-in RTF to HTML/XML/TEXT and HTML to RTF converter
  • Printing HTML in standard Clarion report
  • Translate HTML control’s interface to any language easily
  • Turn your standard BrowseBox into a Html BrowseBox in 2 clicks
  • Easy to implement
  • Enable Registration-Free Activation - a mechanism that enables easy deployment of COM components to a machine without the need to register them
  • Deploying your application - Besides an usual exe, dll etc files you should ship just one small dll (.NET assembly DLL) with your end-user application

EasyHTML is implemented as a set of classes available as full source code, template and .NET assembly DLL. You can freely distribute your application using our DLL without any additional costs. After your purchase no additional fees are required for distribution.

Turn your standard BrowseBox into a Html BrowseBox in 2 clicks! YOU DON’T HAVE TO CREATE NEW PROCEDURES - JUST INCLUDE NEW TEMPLATE TO EXISTING BrowseBox!

After that you’ll get:

  • Modern design
  • Automatic word wrapping (multiline cells)
  • Auto-scaling (Ctrl+Wheel)
  • Smart column width
  • Highlight the columns that the table data is currently ordered on
  • Row striping
  • Row highlighting on mouse over
  • Expanding row to show additional info
  • Images in the listbox
  • Index column: a ‘counter’ column that contains the position in the table for each row
  • Smart searching
  • Use a themes and switch it easy
  • Create you own funny themes
  • Transparent support for standard UpdateButtons template
  • Transparent support for standard Filtered locator

Choose one of the shipped theme or create your own, it support DataTables, Bootstrap, Foundation, jQueryUI and SemanticUI !!!

Html BrowseBox supports ABC only (for now).

For use EasyHTML following is needed:

  • Clarion C6.3 or newer, ABC or Legacy.
  • OS: WinXP or newer
  • NET: v4.5.2 or newer

More info and DEMO at

Cost just $179 (and renew $70).

After your purchase no additional fees are required for distribution.

best regards,

I’m having troubles converting RTF to TEXT, and I’m considering this product. I have some questions.

  • I need to convert a RTF string to pure Text in another string - no files involved, is that possible?
  • I need this to work in CODE, no controls, no Windows, only code functions. Is it possible? For example, TextString = Converted(RFTString)
  • And, this has to work in a LEGACY application working as a SERVICE (thus, the no controls or windows requirement).

I have some Clarion code to do this, but lately is failing with some RTF variations. Also, I see possible uses for the RTF to HTML and HTML to RTF conversion, IF it works as requested above.

Kind regards,
Jorge Lavera

You know a Service can use a Window right?

It must just be automated and it’ll always be invisible, but it most certainly can (and in my experience always does) have a window.

I already tried and, in my experience, it doesn’t work. Eventually and randomly, it GPF. I need a RTF to text conversor that doesn’t use the Window at all - no controls.


YES to all questions. Below is an example I just wrote and it works as expected:



    RtfToText(STRING pRtfFile), STRING

sRtfFile                      STRING(FILE:MaxFilePath), AUTO

  sRtfFile = 'c:\development\apps\EasyHtml\C8\RTF\1.rtf'
  printd('RtfToText(%s)=>%|%s', sRtfFile, RtfToText(sRtfFile))
RtfToText                     PROCEDURE(STRING pRtfFile)
cnv                             EasyRtfConverter
  RETURN cnv.FileToText(pRtfFile)

Great, Mike!

Thank you!