AnyScreen Sample Program using user Themes and CSS

Are there any sample programs using AnyScreen using your own Themes and CSS. I purchased this addons and seems promising. I already installed some test programs on a cloud server.

I appreciate the ClarionLive presented my Mr. Golem and looking forward for more webinars on any screen.

A simple program to demonstrate how to use your own themes and CSS will help.

There are missing images in the help file. And please a Document in PDF file is better.


Here is an example css that has covered the basics for me. Rename to that of your exe and include in the same folder. Yes, the documentation on themes is At best Thin and something like SetCSSFile did not seem to work for me, but I do believe the product is promising. (563 Bytes)

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Did see this topic?

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Even a blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut.

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I tried using the following as described in the documentation:

AnyScreen:AddOption() ! coded and added in the Action control

But does not take effect, maybe I’m missing something. We have our own themes running in NetTalk that runs pretty well.

Other AnyScreen functions we tried works.

Thank you.

I was hoping to see sample programs like NetTalk example programs and docs especially accessing camera.



Thanks Carl,

I’ll check on this.
Most posts I read advise to name the CSS file similar to the exe name in the same folder.
I’ll check if this works when in different folder like web\ .
