Bar code software plug-ins

I’m revisiting adding bar code reading capability to my veterinary application. It’s been awhile since I last looked into this but didn’t do anything. Until recently no one has asked if my app had that capability.

Taboga (as I recollect) had a product some years ago. Do any of you have any suggestions, recommendations how to proceed with this exercise? I don’t want to reinvent any of this but would rather purchase something I can “plug in”.

What should one look for or be aware of regarding scanning hardware?

Thank you for any suggestions / recommendations.

Best Regards,
Doug Selzler

Look at EasyCam:

Barcode reader / generator support (ZXing.NET): UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, EAN-13, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, ITF, Codabar, MSI, RSS-14 (all variants), QR Code, Data Matrix, Aztec, PDF-417, IM (Intelligent Mail) and GS1-128

EasyCam can read barcodes from image files and real-time video stream. You can see how it works in the demo program (free to download).

Thank you Mike.

I looked at your link. It wasn’t what I was thinking to accomplish. Perhaps I rethink the wording of my question.


Hi Doug,

For printing barcodes i use Taboga (
That works great for me in C6.3/C10/C11.
The site looks the same for many years now, so i’m not sure if you still can buy it there.
I have to say that for my reports i use Fomin Report Builder (, so i’m not familiair with printing the barcodes in Clarion reports, but i guess that will work as well.
Using FRB gives the end users the option to make the reports the way they want it and optional add barcodes there as well.

Hope this answers your question,

If you only need to print a simple barcode, have a look at using the 3 of 9 barcode font. The 3 of 9 system is simple: put a star (’*’) at the beginning and end of the barcode text.

12345 becomes *12345*


Barcode readers can usually “paste” the barcode into your app as a text string, so unless you want to use a camera or video, a barcode scanner should be able to paste directly into a field with focus on the screen.

They used to plug in to the keyboard plug on a PC, but now they use USB to emulate a keyboard, much like the UbiKey does.

After reading the replies from Mike, Rob & Don, thanks, each of you, I realize I didn’t present my original question very clearly. The following, not so abbreviated description, attempts illustrates what I am considering to do. I hope that this might be a bit clearer.

My 6.3 abc veterinary application uses unique alpha-numeric codes (1-10 characters) for services and products. The user enters, or selects from a list, these codes into a form (window) of items to be associated with another related animal encounter record, no real limit of codes per encounter (many to one). During any day there may be many animal encounters and each encounter may have may items although the average item count per encounter is not typically large.

My thinking is a unique bar code of some existing standard, I don’t think I care, would be uniquely associated, in some TBD file, with each of my item codes. Product codes may possibly be the same as those used by the manufacturer but I don’t think it would be that simple as different manufacturers of a similar product would likely have their own bar code. The bar codes themselves are completely unimportant to me. The presented bar code on the product or on a paper list, readable by some device, would be translated into the appropriate code, in my existing structure, and be placed in the item record.

Service codes are typically intangible, e.g. “Exams …”, so some paper list of those service codes would have to exist that would have the device readable bar code present. Some users have hundreds of these codes so I think a lot of what they have conceived as an input shortcut might not be as convenient as they might believe.

Much of the interface I describe above would be software that I would have to write.

I think the one practice that has asked me about this would like the computer to read the mind of the inputer. When I figure out how to do that … Practices that use my software are typically smaller so no super market type device would be considered, something pretty basic.

Speech to text might be a better approach to this whole exercise.

Anyhow, with this response, I’m hoping to better describe what I am considering to try to implement. Other than speech to text there may be some other completely different approach that I have not even thought about.

Thank you to anyone who may have some experience or suggestions on how to speed up boring data entry like this.

Kindest Regards to all,

I think you are on the right idea with barcodes, but see if you can borrow a barcode scanner before you look at special software. Most barcode scanners can read multiple barcode formats and they just turn the barcode into keystrokes like a keyboard. I have used this method for dispatching medication and doing stocktakes of medication. The program had no idea that a barcode was involved.

Hi Donn,

Thank you for this followup and most specifically your previous reply. I completely over thought the whole question. It was all quite simple. I felt like an idiot once I started to actually work the problem.

Your presented link to the “3 of 9” font works perfectly. I created a couple of reports that presented the codes in question as barcodes. Duh! Just a font holding me down.

As you say in your current post, the program doesn’t care where the input is coming from. What I thought was going to be a big deal required nothing. I borrowed a scanner and it worked just like that.

A BIG thank you for the kick in the butt.

-Doug Selzler

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Hi Doug
Glad I could help. I have been getting so much amazing help from other people on this forum that I’m glad I’ve been able to repay it just a little. :wink:

I need to print a QR codes containing serial numbers for each item label printed.
In the report definition an example displays just fine. When I try to replace in code, “MyReport$?image1{Prop:Text} = 'Label.bmp” it blanks out the example QR code instead of replacing it. Has anyone sucessfully included a QR code in a Clarion report?

Does label.bmp contains a valid image?

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I have however I call a command line program QRGenerator written in Microsoft C++ and can be compiled with Visual Studio 2019. It requires a little tweeking to fit your environment. Clarion, 5.5 at least, will not display a .bmp if it is too large ot too complicated. You may have to experiment to get it to display,

I’m using free qrcodelib.dll to generate bmps with qr codes
Works fine for me

I’m using EasyCAM to generate and print QR codes on label sheets no problem. If you’d like any assistance just ask.

It is interesting, I thought it was not displaying the QR Code because it was to large so I used Magick Mogrify to resize to 21x21. That took 10 seconds to generate but it displayed just fine. Turns out the original QR Code created in QRGenerator would not display. Running it thru Magick Mogrify corrected what ever was wrong and it displayed just fine. After realizing that I changed to resize to 42x42 and it corrected the problem and did away with the 10 second delay.

I would be interested in examining the image that didn’t display, if you wouldn’t mind.

I’m out till Monday, I’ll recreate and send it then.

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Can you try this!AMgwVz7yqi8pO6s&id=7B1BF0DBE2C9A358!8937&cid=7B1BF0DBE2C9A358 (980 Bytes)

Contains both files. The one that Clarion likes is longer than the one than the one that Clarion does not. Either can be opened in paint-3d and both will scan correctly.

I’m looking for the qrcodelib library
the prototype call (API)
