Bearing (Heading) between Two Point Calculation in CW needs ATAN2() function

I’m trying to calculate a bearing/heading between two geographical points for which I have LAT/LON in degrees like 49.12323421 -72.214342

All formulas I’ve found use ATAN2 which CW does not have.

Does anyone have a (one line) formula for this calculation, result should be in degress (0-359).



fastmath.txt (1,9 КБ)
Rename attached txt to fastmath.a, then


      _Sin (REAL),REAL,NAME('__Sin')
      _Cos (REAL),REAL,NAME('__Cos')
      _SinCos (REAL rad, *REAL sine, *REAL cosine),PASCAL,NAME('__SinCos')
      _ATan2 (REAL y, REAL x),REAL,NAME('__ATan2')
      _Sqrt (REAL),REAL,NAME('__Sqrt')
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Thanks, Mike, I really apreciate it!

Looking at Wikipedia ATAN2() appears to be based on normal Arc Tangent Clarion ATAN() with some IFs for certain problem conditions of X and Y. So you could write your own.


Based on above reordered, untested and I don’t remember much trig.

Edit: Put the lines in order of the above 1,2,3,4,5,6. Plus the most common comes first with X>0.

!Note: Argument order is (Y,X) to match the calculation ATAN(Y/X) but is opposite conventional (X,Y) point format . 
!      (Y,X) order was done in Fortran so existing ATan(Y/X) can easily change to ATan2(Y , X)
!      Some ATan2() use opposite (X,Y) like Excel and Mathematica 

PI  EQUATE(3.1415926535898)
    IF X<>0 THEN 
       AT2=ATAN(Y/X)                     !#1 X>0
       IF    X<0 AND Y>=0 THEN AT2 += PI !#2 
       ELSIF X<0 AND Y<0  THEN AT2 -= PI !#3
    ELSE !X=0 AND 
       IF    Y>0 THEN AT2=PI/2 * 1       !#4
       ELSIF Y<0 THEN AT2=PI/2 * -1      !#5
       END ! Y=0  so  AT2=0  (default)   !#6 Undefined 
    RETURN AT2    

Original Post in kind of Star Wars order 6,5,4 then 1,2,3

PI  EQUATE(3.1415926535898)
    IF    X=0 AND Y=0 THEN AT2=0          !#6 Undefined
    ELSIF X=0 AND Y<0 THEN AT2=PI/2 * -1  !#5
    ELSIF X=0 AND Y>0 THEN AT2=PI/2 * 1   !#4
    ELSE !IF X>0 but also <0 then adjusted below
        AT2=ATAN(Y/X)                     !#1 X>0
        IF    X<0 AND Y>=0 THEN AT2 += PI !#2 
        ELSIF X<0 AND Y<0  THEN AT2 -= PI !#3
! Rad2Deg   EQUATE(57.295779513082)  !Number of Degrees in a Radian = 180/PI

ATAN() returns Radians. Multiply AT2 * Rad2Deg for Degrees. … Again not an engineer, but on the Math team … 40+ years ago.


@Bostjan_Laba reported to me he tested the below Clarion code ATAN2() function and it matched the FastMath _Atan2 posted by Mike.

PI  EQUATE(3.1415926535898)
    IF X<>0 THEN 
       AT2=ATAN(Y/X)                     !#1 X>0
       IF    X<0 AND Y>=0 THEN AT2 += PI !#2 
       ELSIF X<0 AND Y<0  THEN AT2 -= PI !#3
    ELSE !X=0 AND 
       IF    Y>0 THEN AT2=PI/2 * 1       !#4
       ELSIF Y<0 THEN AT2=PI/2 * -1      !#5
       END ! Y=0  so  AT2=0  (default)   !#6 Undefined 
    RETURN AT2    

First he tested it on 100 of his real world data. Next he tested it on a range of most possible values including the special cases where X and Y were =0 or <0 with code like:

  LOOP LatX=-180 TO 180 
      LOOP LonY=-90 TO 90  !Not sure of these
        AT2Clw  = Clw_ATan2(LonY,LatX)
        AT2Fast = FastATan2(LonY,LatX) 
        IF ABS(At2Clw - At2Fast) > 0.0001 THEN ....

Thanks, Carl, for posting this instead of me, I got busy in past few days.

Anyway, in addition, here’s the routine from my app directly, which does the calculation of bearing from point A (Departure) to point B (Arrival) in degrees (0-359). A and B lan/lon are in degrees, like from google maps or similar.



D_lat real !departure point latitude
D_lon real !departure point longitute
A_lat real !arrival point latitude
A_lon real !arrival poing longitude



    if D_lat and D_lon and A_lat and A_lon !we got data        
        D_lat = d_lat * 3.1415926535898/180
        D_lon = d_lon * 3.1415926535898/180
        A_lat = a_lat * 3.1415926535898/180
        A_lon = a_lon * 3.1415926535898/180
        ! y= cos(A_lat) * sin(A_lon - D_lon)
        ! x= cos(D_lat) * sin(A_lat) - sin(D_lat) * cos(A_lat) * cos(A_lon - D_lon)            
        ! ATAN2 = (y, x)
        PQ:heading = ATAN2(SIN(A_lon - D_lon) * COS(A_lat), COS(D_lat) * SIN(A_lat) - SIN(D_lat) * COS(A_lat) * COS(A_lon - D_lon)) * 180 / 3.1415926535898                           
        PQ:heading = round((PQ:heading + 360) % 360,1)
        PQ:heading = 999 !we have no data so we return "invalid" heading

Carl’s code for Atan2 certainly works. However, if return of positive angles is required, I have found that the following, shorter code does the job.

            Atan2 = ATAN(Y/X)
            If X < 0
               Atan2 += pi     
            ElsIf Y < 0
               Atan2 += 2*pi

If Y/X is negative, ATAN will return a negative angle in the 4th quadrant. If X is negative, the resulting angle will be in the 2nd or 3rd quadrant. If in the third quadrant, ATAN will be positive and the result will be in the first quadrant. Therefore, ADD pi (180 degrees) for negative values of X. With a positive X but negative Y, the angle will be in the 4th quadrant and a Negative angle will be returned. Add 2*pi (360 degrees) to make it positive.
It seems in my testing that Clarion’s ATAN function returns pi/2 (90 degrees) if X is zero, anticipating the problem of division by zero. Thus, if X is zero and Y is negative add pi to the pi/2 result.

You converted degrees to radians for input to the trig functions, but remember that ATAN2 if predicated on ATAN will return radians and require conversion to degrees (180/pi.)

I think that’s done wayyyyy out on the right side you’ll see * 180 / 3.1415926535898

PQ:heading = ATAN2(SIN(A_lon - D_lon) * COS(A_lat), COS(D_lat) * SIN(A_lat) - SIN(D_lat) * COS(A_lat) * COS(A_lon - D_lon)) * 180 / 3.1415926535898                           
! --> out here >---------------------------> keep scrolling >-----------------------------> a bit more >------------------> Look Up ^^^^^^^^^^^

!Below the wrapped line in split

PQ:heading = ATAN2( SIN(A_lon - D_lon) * COS(A_lat), |
                    COS(D_lat) * SIN(A_lat) - SIN(D_lat) * COS(A_lat) * COS(A_lon - D_lon) |
                  ) * 180 / 3.1415926535898     !<--- 180/Pi

Ooooops! My bad. Sorry

Your formulae suggest spherical trigonometry, and I assume - at least for longer distances - airlines fly great circle routes. In the case of a great circle the course changes continually along the arc.
Given that, an initial course can be calculated using usual navigational spherical trigonometry equations without using a tangent function: (here ‘t’ represents ArrivalLongitude minus DestinationLongitude.)
Hc = ASin[Sin(LatDest)∙Sin(LatDep) +
Distance[nm] = (90° − Hc) ∙ 60[nm/deg]
Z = ACos[(SinLatDest – SinLatDep ∙ SinHc) / (CosLatDep ∙ CosHc)]

  If Destination is East of Departure,  Initial Course = Z
  If Destination is West of Departure, Initial Course = 360 – Z

Zero Degrees is a valid Latitude and valid Longitude. Either of those Zeros and your IF And And And fails so no heading is calc.

The point (0,0) is in the Atlantic Ocean so no Airport there, but a possible waypoint destination. Maybe change your AND * 3 to check OR * 3 so there must be at least 1 non-zero number. Or test INRANGE(Lats,-90,90) and INRANGE( Lons, -180,180) for valid values. Or test if your GET( Airport ) errors.


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The Earth is not flat and therefore the planar Euclidian geometry is not valid on its surface if distances are large enough. Particularly, the sum of triangle angles on the sphere (on the ellipsoid for the Earth) is more than 180 degrees. The distances between two points are greater than follows from the planar geometry, and if to take altitudes into account they are even greater.

I think you’re talking about the Bearing Calculation is for a flat Earth. Per one web source:

The formula gives the initial heading for a Great-Circle Route from point A to point B. The heading will change in the course of the trip.

I tested the formula for Chicago to Auckland and it gives an Initial Heading of 244 degrees so -180 the Reciprocal Heading should be 64 degrees, but if you run the points in reverse for Auckland to Chicago the Heading is 57 which a Reciprocal of 237.

Using to check the calcs shows 244.6 ORD to AKL, and 57.2 AKL to ORD. It says “Initial Heading” in over the column.


Reverse trip GcMap AKL to Chicago is 57.2 not close to 64.6 the Reciprocal of 244.6



What was confusing initially was Chicago to the North Pole is obviously head North on a 000 heading. But the Pole to Chicago calculation returned 268 degrees not 180 degrees. … Because everywhere is South … standing on the Pole you have to turn to 268 degrees to find your initial heading. You’re not going to navigate that with a magnetic compass, only GPS.


You can put in 2 trips into GCMap with a comma between. That makes it easy to compare the reverse trip in one plot. The below numbers are for 2 trips: BINP-ORD,ORD-BINP


If a house has Windows that all face South, and you look the Window and see a Bear … What color is the Bear? … It has to be White.

35 years ago I wrote a program to process data obtained by the hydrographic expedition: buoys with equipment which were distributed over a large area of the sea periodically registered different parameters of the water and my program processed all these data to determine how these parameters were changing in dynamics and how values in one point were dependent from values in other points. Even if distance between buoys was ~50 km, ignoring of the real form of the Earth was giving sufficient errors.

I don’t know, probably routes between airports are not so sensitive to difference between geometry on the plane and on the sphere but unlikely this difference can be ignored.

[quote=“ChrisBos, post:7, topic:6589”]
Carl’s code for Atan2 certainly works. However, if return of positive angles is required, I have found that the following, shorter code does the job.

Atan2 = ATAN(Y/X)
If X < 0 Then Atan2 += pi  ElsIf Y < 0 Then Atan2 += 2*pi .

Chris I found your code matches in my tests below of a bunch of airports.

I tried to have a mix the possible Positive and Negatives. All are done twice flipping the Departure and Arrival location so that tests more. I also include odd ones like Null Island (0,0) and the Poles.

HeadingTests PROCEDURE()
    CODE    !Data from or or Wikipedia
    !Mix  +- +-   Depart Lat  Long         Arrive Lat  Long                                        
    HeadingTest2x(41.9769403,-87.9081497 ,  49.009722,  2.547778  , 'Chicago -> Paris  NE ?')
    HeadingTest2x(41.9769403,-87.9081497 , -22.81    ,-43.250556  , 'Chicago -> Rio de Janeiro  SE ?')
    HeadingTest2x(41.9769403,-87.9081497 , -37.008056, 174.791667 , 'Chicago -> Auckland  SW ?')
    HeadingTest2x(41.9769403,-87.9081497 , 25.7953611,-80.2901158  ,'Chicago -> Miami SE ?')
    HeadingTest2x(41.9769403,-87.9081497 , 39.8616667,-104.6731667 ,'Chicago -> Denver  West?')
    HeadingTest2x(-22.81    ,-43.250556  , -37.008056, 174.791667 , 'Rio de Janeiro -> Auckland  West ?')
    HeadingTest2x(-22.81    ,-43.250556  ,  49.009722,   2.547778 , 'Rio de Janeiro -> Paris  NE ?')   !GIG-CDG  - - + +
    HeadingTest2x(41.275278 , 28.751944 ,  49.009722,    2.547778 , 'Istanbul -> Paris  NW ?')         !IST-CDG  + + + +
    HeadingTest2x(41.9769403,-87.9081497 , 000       , 0000       , 'Chicago-Null Island Africa (0,0) E?') 
    HeadingTest2x(41.9769403,-87.9081497 , 90        , 0          , 'Chicago-North Pole  N?')    
    HeadingTest2x(90        , 0          , -90       , 0          , 'North to South Pole S?')    

This calls, then again with flipped Arrive->Depart to test the REVERSE. Usually the Initial Heading is not the same as the reciprocal of the original Deoart → Arrive

HeadingTest2x PROCEDURE(REAL D_lat , REAL D_lon , REAL A_lat , REAL A_lon , STRING TripDesc)
    HeadingTest1(D_lat ,D_lon, A_lat,A_lon ,TripDesc)    
    HeadingTest1(a_lat ,a_lon, d_lat,d_lon ,'REVERSE Trip --> '& CLIP(TripDesc) &' <<-- REVERSE')

This is Bostjan’s code as unmodified as possible. I split out X and Y as variables. I changed the IF validation to INRANGE. I added Chris’ calc to compare and it always matched … to my eye … I should have had code to check.

HeadingTest1 PROCEDURE(REAL D_lat , REAL D_lon , REAL A_lat , REAL A_lon , STRING TripDesc)
Heading REAL 
Pi314   EQUATE(3.1415926535898)
Rad2Deg EQUATE(57.295779513082) !(180/3.1415926535898)
Deg2Rad EQUATE(0.0174532925199) !(3.1415926535898/180)
ChrisATan REAL
ChrisDeg  REAL
    IF  INRANGE(D_lat,  -90,  90) |  !was IF D_lat And D_Lon but that failed for (0,0)
    And INRANGE(D_lon, -180, 180) | 
    And INRANGE(A_lat,  -90,  90) |
    And INRANGE(A_lon, -180, 180) THEN  !we got data        
        D_lat = d_lat * 3.1415926535898/180
        D_lon = d_lon * 3.1415926535898/180
        A_lat = a_lat * 3.1415926535898/180
        A_lon = a_lon * 3.1415926535898/180
        Y = SIN(A_lon - D_lon) * COS(A_lat)
        X = COS(D_lat) * SIN(A_lat) - SIN(D_lat) * COS(A_lat) * COS(A_lon - D_lon)
        Heading = ATAN2( Y , X ) * 180 / 3.1415926535898    
        Heading = round((Heading + 360) % 360,1)     !Can return Negative Heading
        Heading = 999
    ChrisATan = ATAN(Y/X)   !Chris Bos posted this "if return of positive angles is required, I have found that the following, shorter code does the job"
    If    X < 0 THEN ChrisATan += PI314     
    ElsIf Y < 0 THEN ChrisATan += 2 * PI314
    ChrisDeg = ROUND(ChrisATan * Rad2Deg,1)

    CASE Message(TripDesc & |
            '||Heading = '& Heading &' <9><<---> Reciprocal = '& (Heading+180)%360 & |
                '      Chris Head = '& ChrisDeg & |
            '|={55}' & |
            '|Depart <9> D_lat ='& D_lat & '<9> D_lon ='& D_lon & |
            '|Arrive <9> A_lat ='& A_lat & '<9> A_lon ='& A_lon & |
            '||Y = ' & Y &'|X = '& X & |
            '|ATan2(Y,X) <9>= '& ATan2(Y,X) * Rad2Deg & |
            '|ATan  (Y/X) <9>= '& ATan(Y/X) * Rad2Deg & |
            '||ChrisBos Degr = '& ChrisDeg & |
            '|ChrisBos ATan = '& ChrisATan & |            
            ' ','HeadingTest',ICON:NextPage,'Continue|Halt') 
    OF 2 ; HALT



In your second example, Carl, both ATan2 functions gave a course of 57.1 degrees. That angle is in the 1st quadrant. But the first example gave answers of -115.6 and 244.4 respectively. These are actually the same angle in the 3rd quadrant, but a negative value is less useful when navigating. Mathematicians don’t care.
Initial headings in opposite directions are not reciprocal angles when following a great circle. The great circle route tends to be closer to a pole than the rhumb line route, and the difference is more apparent in an east-west route than a north-south route. The final approach to a destination is the reciprocal of the initial course leaving that destination. The route to Auckland starts at 244.4 degrees and ends with a heading of 237.1 degrees.