Best Practice Method for Import Data

Good day all.

With using ABC methods, what is the correct way or best practice method for importing data into a Topspeed database?

Currently this will be done from a MDI Child window where the user selects the correct CSV File. The average records inside these CSV files are 172,000.

Currently I use:

> Access:Init
> Access:MyFile.Open
> IF Access:MyFile.PrimeRecord()
        DebuqQ.Line = 'Priming Error - MyFiles - Procedure: Embed: Line:'
       MyFile.Data01 = CSVFILE.Data01
       MyFile.Data02 = CSVFILE.Data02
      IF Access:MyFile.Insert() = Level:Benign
           DebuqQ.Line = 'My File Record added'
          DebuqQ.Line = 'Insert Error - MyFiles - Procedure: Embed: Line:'

Thank you.

what problems, if any, are you having?

I would get rid of this where it is successful and only keep the branch where you have a problem.

Also, assuming you don’t have other people accessing the tps file while you are importing the CSV records I would either stream or logout the tps file which will speed things up a lot. If logging out then probably commit and then logout again say every ten thousand records.

Another thing to do is to append to tps rather than add, then build the indexes at the end - but only if you are sure you won’t get any duplicate key errors etc that would cause the build to fail.

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Good day Vitesse

Thank you. Currently it is slow in importing. Could you perhaps share an example of your recommendation?

The importing of the data occurs only when company is closed.

Thank you again for your response.

As Geoff suggests, LOGOUT will speed this by orders of magnitude. Look it up in the help.

insert rows /handle errors

STREAM(MyFile) before and FLUSH() after all MyFile Adds will speed it up big time. In this Updating TPS post it went from a couple hours to 15 minutes.

The Stream file will be locked to other users, and threads. Using LOGOUT/COMMIT will not lock the file until the COMMIT but is a bit more complicated and should have error handling.

I would have the Form call a Process Template that Reads the CSV and adds to the TPS
that way you have a Progress window with a Cancel button. The Form would have this code:

Access:MyFile.UseFile()             !Be sure file is open 
MyRecordsBefore = RECORDS(MyFile) 
MyFileLoadFromCSVProcess(CsvFileName, CsvRecords, DebugQ)
DISPLAY  !Show process result DebugQ on form window
Message('MyFile Added records: ' & RECORDS(MyFile) - MyRecordsBefore & |
        '||Read CSV Records: ' & CsvRecords & |
        '||DebugQ Fails: ' & RECORDS(DebugQ),'MyFileLoadFromCSV run')

Create a Process template that reads the CSV and ADDs to MyFile. Prototype like this to pass in file name and get back Count and Debug queue. This assumes the DebugQ is simply 1 string.

MyFileLoadFromCSVProcess(STRING CsvFileName, *LONG OutCsvRecords, *QUEUE DebugQ)

After the files are opened STREAM(MyFile). IMO better to put that code into the embed for After First Record read.

In the activity for each CSV Record add your MyFile record. In your DebugQ I added some info to know what record failed.

  CsvLineNo += 1
  IF Access:MyFile.PrimeRecord()
        DebuqQ = 'Line '& CsvLineNo &' Prime Error - ' & CSVFILE.Data01
      MyFile.Data01 = CSVFILE.Data01
      MyFile.Data02 = CSVFILE.Data02
      IF Access:MyFile.Insert() <> Level:Benign
         DebuqQ = 'Line '& CsvLineNo &' Insert Error - ' & CSVFILE.Data01

Before files are Closed:

?Progress:UserString = 'Flushing MyFile Adds ' 
DISPLAY  !There may be pause, especially with COMMIT, so tell user

To make the process smooth its good to adjust the records read per cycle from the default of 25.
For a BASIC file the Process template will be done in BYTEs not Records so 25 bytes is probably 1 CSV record per Timer event which will be very slow. To fix it guess your average record length, e.g. 100 bytes. Multiply that by 25 and fill that in for records per cycle so 2500.

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Good morning,

Thank you.

Good morning,

Thank you. I have a better understanding now. I really do appreciate everyone’ comments and assisting.