BeyondCompare Clarion language formats

BeyondCompare allows you to add configurations to make it easier to compare Clarion source, including syntax highlighting.

When you export the formats out of BeyondCompare, a .bcpkg file is created. This file is a ZIP of a COPY of BC’s file formats, which are kept in C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\Scooter Software\Beyond Compare 4\BCFileFormats.xml

To export your file format(s) from BeyondCompare, click Tools, Export Settings, File Formats, then choose the specific format you want to export:

Click uncheck all to uncheck all the formats except for Clarion.

Next, click the Clarion selection.

This avoids accidentally overwriting your (or someone else’s) language customizations for other languages.

Note that C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\Scooter Software\Beyond Compare 4\BCFileFormats.xml contains ALL of the language settings that someone has customized or added to their BeyondCompare.

The exported BCFileFormats.xml file that is zipped only contains the file formats you selected at export time.

An exported (and unzipped) .bcpkg file contains XML that looks like this:

By comparison, the main BCFileFormats.xml file with all file format rules looks like this (partial image):

My version of these Clarion file format settings is at (pull requests welcome - for the XML only)

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In Beyond Compare

Tools > Import Settings … > select file to import & [Next]
you are then presented with a list of things that are inside of the settings file
check the items you want to import
in this case “Clarion Files”
there is a checkbox “Delete all existing file formats”
I’d make sure that one is unchecked.
That said if all goes horribly wrong there is a Tools > Restore Factory Defaults

To see (and improve upon) what you just imported
See Tools > File Formats and highlight the “Clarion Files” line

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Also, as @Mark_Sarson mentioned in Skype, Beyond Compare is on sale today only.

So is there a Clarion File formats file available? I went online to their downloadable formats and clarion is not listed. has someone made a syntax file for clarion to make BC better w/ CW?

Something like this one for Javascript?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <_0 Value="- Compares JavaScript source."/> <_0 Value="TListTextGrammarItem"> <_0 Value="await"/> <_1 Value="break"/>

My version of these Clarion file format settings is at (pull requests welcome - for the XML only)

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Thank you :slight_smile: Interesting seeing BC w/ CW sensitivity