C10: A question about colons in code

Another newbie question. This generated code comes from the Browse States section of the Getting Started lesson.

I understand the convention of Sta:StateName where the table is abbreviated to Sta and then there is a colon and the field name. It makes sense. Similarly I am using loc:localvariable for local variables.

But what is with the double-colon, and why all the other colons in BRW1::View:Browse below?

Similarly, why the :1 in Queue:Browse:1

I did a search in the help for “:” but as usual came up blank. What is the significance of all these extra colons?

! Browse View & Queue for States
BRW1::View:Browse    VIEW(States)
Queue:Browse:1       QUEUE                            !Queue declaration for browse/combo box using ?Browse:1
Sta:State              LIKE(Sta:State)                !List box control field - type derived from field
Sta:StateName          LIKE(Sta:StateName)            !List box control field - type derived from field
Mark                   BYTE                           !Entrys marked status
ViewPosition           STRING(1024)                   !Entrys view position

Thanks in advance for helping me learn and understand.

Check “Field Qualification” topic in the help file.

: is just used as a separator (visual) in other cases.

:1 is generated by template to make queue name unique (you can have more than one browse on your screen), the same thing is for BRW1:

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As a newbie, do yourself a favor and get in the habit of customizing the object,view, and queue labels to something more meaningful than BRW1::View:Browse. Generated as template defaults, you are free to set these for each control in a procedure using either control properties or the template class tab. For instance, my standard follows an Entity:PrimaryFileName pattern such as:

This is guaranteed to be easier to remember and follow than something with the silly default template instance numbers. (BTW - the templates can also be changed to generate your desired defaults but I would not recommend it until one is a lot more comfortable with Clarion).

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Although colons are used to separate a prefix, they’re also just a character that’s legal for a label.

I always change the FEQ and object name of my browses to something meaningful. You can change the object name on the Classes tab.

That way, it makes sense in the generated code.


In your example of sta:State, there is likely a prefix ,PRE(STA) on something
and within that structure there is a field called state

For example

States FILE,PRE(STA) !, etc
State      STRING(42)

In this case you can write STA:State or you can use dot syntax, States.State

Apart from the prefix notation, the other Colons you’re seeing in labels is just a naming choice.

A colon can be used for any character in a label
other than the first character which must be either a letter or an underscore.

Note: it’s best to avoid adding a prefix to a structure where you can, as it limits the sort of structures you can define. That said, even an empty prefix ,PRE() creates this limitation. What’s worse is structures created in APPs will add an empty prefix.

I’m also of the opinion that using dot notation is clearer, think about this

Sta:ID = 42

was STA for Stations? was it for States?

Stations.ID = 42

One nuance, when working with windows (or reports)
if you have USE(Stations.ID)
The field equate will not be ?Stations.ID rather it will be ?Stations:ID
This is described in HELP[ Field Equate Labels ]

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Thanks everyone. I get the idea now. I was also wondering about the short prefixes for table names, and I’ll definitely try to use the notation that Mark suggested.

I use an Access tool that uses a 5-character short code for table names, being the first 3 letters and last 2 letters of the table name, so you get “cuser” for “Customer” and “state” for “State” but “sexex” for “Sex” which is just weird :wink:

But in each case you can get name clashes, such as “State”, “Status”, “Standard”, “Statistic” etc for the 3 letter one; and “Customer”, “CustomLetter”, and “CustomerOrder” for the second one. :thinking:

Prefix can be more than 3 lettes, personally I use full entity name (groups, queues, files) as prefix:
CustomerOrder FILE, DRIVER,...,PRE(CustomerOrder)

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Thanks. I didn’t know you could do that. Makes a lot more sense.