Hi there
Can you please tell me what the formula is to calculate a date a year from a given date.
Many thanks
Hi there
Can you please tell me what the formula is to calculate a date a year from a given date.
Many thanks
Hope this helps?
Loc:Date LONG
MONTH(Loc:Date) = MONTH NUMBER eg 1-12
DAY(Loc:Date) = DAY eg. 1-31
YEAR(Loc:Date) = YEAR eg 1809 …
expanding a little on what Marius_Nel said:
givenDate long ! some given date
plusYear long ! the given date plus a year
plusYear = date(month(givenDate), day(givenDate), year(givenDate)+1)
you may need to consider if given date is February 29th, do you want Feb 28th or Mar 1st in the following year.
Geoff R
This tool has a Date Calculations tab to try the calculation without writing code and see it work. You can add 1 year using the DATE() function as Geoff showed.
Hi Carl.
Thanks so much for your input. I am a newbie at Clarion and using version 8. I need to calculate the date for a field.
I wrote a servicing program and need to return the anniversary date to that field. Don’t know how your app will help.
Once again thanks very much for your help.