I’m trying to use this CBWndPreview Class in a multi DLL app and getting some errors. Is there any special consideration or changes needed to use this?
Error: Unresolved External _WslDebug$SetLogFile in CBWndPreview.obj
You are probably running 10.12799 ? A better fix would be to change the OMIT and COMPILE wrapping that SetLogFile from C110 to C100
I just messed that up today. If you download again it will have above fix, current code below
OMIT('**END**', _C100_) !C9.1 for sure, some C10
C5LogSetName PROCEDURE(CONST *CSTRING),NAME('_WslDebug$SetLogFile'),DLL(dll_mode)
!end of COMPILE('**END**', _C110_)
!10.12799 has below, BUT before that 10.12567 was above with _Underscore. So if you use older 10 you'll have to modify this. Proper fix would be to LoadLibrary
COMPILE('**END**', _C100_) !C11 for sure, some C10
C5LogSetName PROCEDURE(CONST *CSTRING),NAME('WslDebug$SetLogFile'),DLL(dll_mode)
!end of COMPILE('**END**', _C110_)
That is used by Event Logging. You it On in the Tricks menu. It records events to a text file. You can turn it Off on tricks or it stops when you close the window and open the log in notepad.