I ran ProcessMonitor on the BO Tpl 9.1 installer, the screen capture is below. It shows it finds 9.1 by reading GUID Registry key to get the InstallLocation
That GUID matches what I see in the 9.1 Uninstall log. Other RegMon RegQueryValue entries match to 9.0 and 8.0 GUID’s from my logs. I did not install them on this machine but I have the folders and logs, so the BoTpl setup did not find 8 and 9.0.
So it would be easy to make a 8,9,9.1 Fake Installer to create those keys (PUTREG) and the empty folders (MkDir). The remaining question is what is being read from ClarionProperties.xml and does it matter? I’m sure Fred would tell us. I would guess it is the BoTpl product looking for its own info.