Ch, ch, ch, Changes . . . tracking for APP embed code

Can anyone recommend an add-in that documents all the manual changes I have made to my application? I am using the Embeditor’s “Next Filled Embed” button to find and document my changes before generating a new application, but it takes time and I’m sure it could be automated.

Would the Upper Park Solutions Version Control Interface do this for me? I haven’t purchased a copy yet.

Also, how would I document the changes I have made to NetTalk settings, such as the Header and Footer customization?

I am using this way:

  1. For each version I create a new folder somewhere and copy ALL *.CLW files there
  2. Then if I need to find any changes I can easy compare 2 folders (I am using

Of course, you need to have some kind of versioning in your app.

This way will show you ALL changes between 2 versions, manual, template settings and even database table changes (file declarations)

Hi Donn,

Upper Park VC is a must in my opinion. It makes the process of getting your apps into Version Control a breeze. Once you start using it you will find yourself using it in every solution you have. GitHub is free these days and I find it more user friendly over BitBucket.

There is a downside to version control with apps and that is the amount of changes you find in the exported APV’s (Think TXA’s for each procedure in each app) that clarion creates. You have to get used to this, and discard in your Git tool of choice procedures you know you made changes to.

As with Git on any platform, commit often. Don’t leave it to the end of the day, then commit a whole bunch of changes all in one go. I .gitignore the CLW’s in the solution directory as I don’t want to be passing already generated code to other developers.

However, after a commit of the APV files, I copy my generated CLW’s to a different directory that is away from the solution and commit them to a different repo. This is a great way for you to keep track of the changes.

You can then use branching between each version of your applications. Merge when you are ready to release with the main branch, and see every change you made between versions.

I hope this helps a little.


I have some BAT files on GitHub (link below) that make a Backup with a Date-Time stamp. I used to keep individual dated folders like you have, but that can grow to a lot of folders and files. These BATs copy to One Folder named _Bak_\Bak_Last, then Zip that folder to a file with a date stamp. Zip is done with PowerShell.

For little projects it gives me a quick way to backup without having to setup version control.



Backup4All is pretty nice too. I use that and git.

Thank you for sharing.

Is there any way of getting just the hand-coded changes to embed points, rather than all the generated code?

Perhaps you could take a look at a .TXA or .APV (app export)

Hi Donn,

The BoTPL templates have ‘embeds all out’ that works by exporting procedures to TXA and then parsing the TXA looking for [EMBED] sections and exporting them to .EMB files
You could use that or adapt the code.

BoTPLs can be found on IceTips

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Thanks Graham
I downloaded “BoTpl C9.1 (4.4) Misc template collection” but the installer doesn’t recognise my C11 installation. I don’t have anything older than C10. I will try to contact the site owner.

That installer probably wants to help you by putting the files in the right folders (Accessory Template and LibSrc) and then register the templates.

I would try to make a C:\ClarionBO folder and try get it to install into it and then manually copy the files to C11. Then register TPLs. Show some screen captures of the installer.

Thanks for the suggestiont. Even copied the installer directly into the C:\ClarionBO folder. It still reports “No Supported Clarion versions were detected”. :cry:

BoTPL was written by Bo Schmitz. He passed away quite a few years ago.
IceTips is @ArnorBld site. He is just hosting the old installer.

Maybe someone who has a “valid” Clarion installed could install it and gather the files based on the .log file.

This is why ‘Installers’ that detect Clarion versions are such a bad idea.

Anyway I’ve installed in into a sandbox (I have Clarion 9.1 installed) and attach a .ZIP with all the files that were created. You’ll need to place the bits into the correct places below
and manually register the templates. (2.9 MB)


Hi Graham,
Glad I checked this thread as I was just about to do that on a clean VM :slight_smile:

Best regards,

It would be nice to know what criteria the Installer was checking to make a simulated install that so older installers can work. I would guess it is checking the Registry for the SV Keys that contain the Root folder, and verifies the folder exists.

IIRC it was Bruce the published a spec for how 3rd party installers should work?

It would be easy to create the Reg Keys and folder for 9.1 with a little Clarion program. I have a tool that reads the registry keys and finds installs.

That is extremely helpful. Thank you

Hi Carl,

Unfortunately it’s not that simple :unamused:
Installers can use Clarion version auto-detection which looks for a GUID in the registry.
These GUIDs don’t appear to be stored in the Registry Keys that you utility looks at.

This has come up recently in the softvelocity.clarion.addons.setupbuilder newsgroup because the GUID for Clarion 11.1 is apparently the same as the GUID for Clarion 11
See the post there, subject “Install that knows about C11.1”
I’m trying to get a list of the GUIDs and where they’re stored from Friedrich but there seems to be reluctance to reveal them.