Clarion 9 Gold Release

/--- Gold release for Clarion 9 Sep 23rd ----- Fixes/Changes/Features

FIX: Incorrect calculation of width of items of popup menus
FIX:  The BASIC file driver would crash if you passed any invalid value to the FIELDDELIMITER or ENDOFRECORD driver strings or the SEND command.  Eg SEND(file,'FIELDDELIMITER=|') instead of SEND(file,'FIELDDELIMITER=1,124')
PTSS 40181: BASIC driver crashes when using | as delimiter 
PTSS 40132: Drop-Down Menus right margin fixed/too small 
/--- beta 9 Sep 12th ----- Fixes/Changes/Features
FIX: App conversion and/or project refresh/creation could fail with the message "unloading appname..." and lock the IDE
FIX: If an .App was closed with some project CLWs left open then the App was re-opened, the IDE would try to re-load the CLWs and it could fail with a StackOverflowException
FIX: ClarionCL command line was failing when generating apps
FIX: Toolbar control was not showing the Color Picker used in all other controls for the BackColor
CHANGE: Changed name/use of C80TFT.INI to ClaTFT.INI
CHANGE: when the command line Generator is called without a version param it is now set to the current version
FEATURE: Clarion chain: Added option to hide the Report Output progress window
FEATURE: Added support to set the gradient color for TOOLBAR, BOX and PANEL from the Actions dialog and to generate the required code
FEATURE: When populating a DIM field a popup dialog is presented to set the array index number in the Designers (you can still set the array index manually as before) 
beta 8 - Fixes/Changes/Features

/*a friendly reminder :
 (The RTL checks the value of the RTL version linked into every CW (EXE/DLL).
 A version mismatch is reported if its detected that an EXE/DLL is made with a Clarion version _prior to C9.0.10324)

FEATURE: Added support to #PROJECT(remove(fileName)). The remove BuildAction removes the file from the project if it exists. If it does not exist, it does nothing and no error is returned.
CHANGE: Options for debug output changed to be a DropDownList instead of a DropDown
CHANGE: added the file name to the "not supported" warning message text for an incorrect #PROJECTed action
FIX: Adding/Removing Files from the procedure's File Schema, and then immediately generating code did not update the %ModuleChanged symbol 
FIX: Canceling the "Select a Dictionary" when loading an app with an invalid .dct 
FIX: Clicking on App pad buttons too quickly could cause loss of focus
FIX: Clicking the open DCT button on the App pad for two apps too quickly could cause instability
FIX: Stop spurious message popping up when AppGen can't find the dictionary for an App it is trying to load
FIX: Support of built-in %Parameters and %ProcedureParameter* symbols broke using the IDE for C6 and earlier versions
FIX: invalid URLs on Help menu
PTSS 39948: Initial Value of a String Field needing an Equate is put in quotes 
beta 7 - Fixes/Changes/Features

*** All of your binaries must be rebuilt; you need the updated versions of all SoftVelocity addon
products and you must also obtain the updated versions for any 3rd party DLLs that you use***

CHANGE: change internal RTL version number:
 (The RTL checks the value of the RTL version linked to every CW executable including CLARUN.DLL. 
 A version mismatch is reported if:
- EXE/DLL's <major version> is not equal to same as the CLARUN.DLL
- if its detected that an EXE/DLL is made with a Clarion version prior to C9.0.10234)

FEATURE: ABC: Added "Blank" and "All" options in the DropCombo template/class
FEATURE: ABC: Added "NoIcons" property to the PopupClass manager to allow displaying the popup menu without the icons
FEATURE: ROG: Added option to hide the Report output progress window

CHANGE: Adjust appgen screen to reclaim unused space
CHANGE: IPserver.tpl: Clarunext.dll is now loaded at runtime so no need to link to the .Lib
CHANGE: Move the App tree Mode buttons to the main appgen toolbar
CHANGE: Remove reference to unused file which is causing forced linking of the DOS driver to program
CHANGE: normalize AppTree button sizes
CHANGE: Resize Control Strategies; Prompts resized and re-positioned

FIX: DCT could not import a TXD/DCTX from a folder other than the DCT folder
FIX: DESTROYing of TAB control which has the TIP attribute and has been activated by mouse could cause an error
FIX: Intermittent lockup of the IDE when "Unloading (AppName)"
FIX: PNG Images extension was not in the list of images to select
FIX: Importing tables into a .dct from multiple different SQL databases (or multiple SQLite db files) required restarting the IDE
PTSS: 38289 unexpected result in case of Turkish as an ANSI codepage
FIX: SQLite: when attempting to browse a table in the IDE, and changing the selected DB file, the list of tables within the DB file was not refreshed
FIX: Using the ellipsis button next to the file name entry field on the SQLite selection dialog would not populate the file name into the entry field
beta 6 - Fixes/Changes/Features

*** All binaries must be rebuilt; both your own and all 3rd party ***
CHANGE: change internal RTL version number:
 (The RTL checks the value of the RTL version linked to every CW executable including CLARUN.DLL. 
 A version mismatch is reported if:
- EXE/DLL's <major version> is not equal to same as the CLARUN.DLL
- if its detected that an EXE/DLL is made with a Clarion version prior to C9.0.10234)

CHANGE: Adjust appgen screen to reclaim unused space
CHANGE: IPserver.tpl: Clarunext.dll is now loaded at runtime so no need to link to the .Lib
CHANGE: Move the App tree Mode buttons to the main appgen toolbar
CHANGE: Remove reference to unused file which is causing forced linking of the DOS driver to program
CHANGE: normalize AppTree button sizes
FIX: DCT could not import a TXD/DCTX from a folder other than the DCT folder
FIX: DESTROYing of TAB control which has the TIP attribute and has been activated by mouse could cause an error
FIX: Intermittent lockup of the IDE when "Unloading (AppName)"
FIX: PNG Images extension was not in the list of images to select
PTSS: 38289 unexpected result in case of Turkish as an ANSI codepage
beta 5 - Fixes/Changes/Features

CHANGE: Move the App tree Mode buttons to the main ApGen toolbar
CHANGE: Adjust AppGen screen to reclaim unused space
CHANGE: IPserver.tpl: Clarunext.dll is now loaded at runtime so no need to link to the .LibFIX: DCT could not import a TXD/DCTX from a folder other than the DCT folder
FIX: PNG Images extension was not in the list of images to select
FIX: DESTROYing of a TAB control which has the TIP attribute and has been activated by mouse click could cause an error
CHANGE: Templates: Remove reference to unused file which forced the linking of the DOS driver 
beta 4 - Fixes/Changes/Features

FIX: Client area of non-MDI WINDOWs or APPLICATIONs with menubar resized on hiding
FIX: Status bar with height 0 created for WINDOWs/APPLICATIONs without STATUS attribute
FIX: IF LIST's font changed, styles defined after that used original font
FIX: CWTask was using the Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData instead of the PropertyService.ConfigDirectory making the /Config param fail if using any folder other then the ApplicationData folder
FIX: On creating a new project from the app if the ClaRunExt.LIB was referenced it was asking for the project
FIX: Changing color in controls and pressing Enter Key or ESC Key was not behaving as expected
FIX: The Extended Colors Editor was not used when editing colors for the WINDOW or APPLICATION colors
PTSS 40103: Black flickering in some fields 
IMPROVEMENT: Reduce visual defects on resizing themed windows with PROP:Buffer set to values other than 0
FEATURE:  You can now force dlls to be copied to the destination directory of the .exe using the LibAlwaysCopyList.xml file located in the <appdata>\SoftVelocity\Clarion\9.0 folder
CHANGE: DataBrowser: set a reasonable default picture for Memo fields, enable ESC key for Cancel of MemoEditForm
CHANGE: Update Application tree 'Sort By Date' icon
FIX: If you created/copied a local redirection file while a project was open, the context menu item "Edit Redirection File" accessed from the project node in the solution explorer would open the base redirection file rather than the new redirection file
FIX: If you deleted the local redirection file while a project was open, the context menu item "Edit Redirection File" accessed from the project node in the solution explorer would throw an exception
FIX: Appearance Editor was missing an example of the checkbox menu items
FIX: Changing the fonts directly from the TextEditor Options, or popup optionswas not preserved
FIX: File Options Dialog executed form the Context menu was not resizing properly
FIX: Icon for an embed with code was being truncated when the font size was smaller than the default
FIX: Incorrect index name used in the ASSERT for Frame Extension
FIX: Some Color themes used an incorrect color in the Checkbox menu items 
PTSS 40069: IDE can freeze while picking color
PTSS 40081: SystemStringClass bug 
PTSS 40034: global and local data alpha sorted 
Here are the changes from build 10241 (public beta 1):

FIX: #Suspend error when making a .DLL
The initial beta release could create an invalid setting in the ClarionProperties.xml file that would cause a #Suspend error and prevent making of .DLLs, due to a missing properties section of ClarionProperties.xml 

The problem is fixed now in this release and that the section will get created properly, but to fix the _existing ClarionProperties.xml file you either have to: 

Run ResetIDE.exe and choose option (4) - does not require re-entering your serial number, but clears IDE settings

- OR - 

Open ClarionProperties.xml and manually edit/delete the section " <Type32 /> "  (** if it doesn't exist then no action is needed)

- OR -
Manually delete the ClarionProperties.xml - - requires re-entering your serial number
	in the "invalid" section within ClarionProperties.xml file this section gets created as:
  <Type32 />

    in a correct/valid ClarionProperties.xml file its created as:

 	<Properties name="Type32">
	    <signed value="long" />
	    <unsigned value="long" />
	    <handle value="long" />
	    <bool value="long" />

FIX: Exception on attempt to request entries from a missing properties section of ClarionProperties.xml
FIX: FrameExtension template was generating ASSERTS
FIX: If an OLE control was declared in a MDI child window that has a MENUBAR, the window's controls declared below the OLE control were created with the MDI frame as the parent
FIX: Midnight time converted from TIME to LONG incorrectly
FIX: Possible violation of heap consistency on changing picture of EIP entry control
FIX: Possible System.IndexOutOfRange exception
FIX: REMOVE(<file name>) worked for directories as well as for files and removed files recursively in nested directories without confirmation
FIX: Setting '' (0) to PROP:Right, PROP:Center, PROP:Decimal worked incorrectly for ENTRY controls
FIX: Thread should not be locked during execution of constructors and destructors
FIX: Too early call to thread's destructor could cause retrieving of incorrect thread structure 

FEATURE: New REMOVE functionality; REMOVE(<filename>,<options>) statement with additional parameters to control removing of directories, processing of directories recursively, and showing progress and confirmation dialogs

CHANGE: Add EQUATE for the Vietnamese charset
CHANGE: If the compiler returns an exception, show the address of the compiler's entry point to better locate the GPF point
CHANGE: Update SystemString class to fix some potential problems

PTSS 39785: Co-operative threading hooks cause memory leaks and eventually an exception PTSS 39980: REMOVE(file) can delete entire subtrees

beta 10205

FEATURE: ABC Sort Headers Template - supports sort column colorization (Actions->BrowseBox Behavior->Extended Options)
FEATURE: Added the option to the Report Procedure template to open the Report Output after its generated
FEATURE: TopScan updated to use the C9 RTL

CHANGE:  The DCT system no longer warns you about editing a .dct with unregistered file drivers if you open the .dct in read-only mode
CHANGE: Change ABC Sort header template uses the new PROPLIST:HasSortColumn property and the built-in support to sort on a headers click event
CHANGE: Change the message "Applications processed without errors: ({0})" by "Applications successfully processed: ({0})"
CHANGE: Change ABC Sort header template uses the new PROPLIST:HasSortColumn property and the built-in support to sort on a headers click event
CHANGE: Templates #PROMPT Color dialog now uses the new Color dialog (as used in the rest of the IDE)

FIX: The SQLite driver would lock up when doing LOGOUT of more than 1 file.
FIX: The blob-to-control extension template did not work properly when you used the resizer template
FIX: Error pad did not retain the currently selected error when focus was lost
FIX: Regression on checking for type Metafile in image conversion
FIX: Resolve Duplicated exports in Win32.Lib and ClaHTML.lib
FIX: SortHeader template code was alerting the MouseLeft key but that is not needed anymore with the support for EVENT:HeaderClick
FIX: The SQLite driver would lock up when doing LOGOUT of more than 1 file.
FIX: The focus rectangle was not drawn for themed CHECK and RADIO controls
Release Notes: C9.0.10125

Fixes/Features/Changes --- Alpha rel 3-----

FEATURE: Option to do automatic conversion of all applications in the current Solution (added to the App Conversion dialog)
FEATURE: Dictionary Editor: Added search for Modifications/Creation dates on any item
FEATURE: Dictionary Editor: Allow to do a search for all the DCT comments in every entity

CHANGE: Create SHEET controls with the WS_EX_TRANSPARENT style
CHANGE: Modified and Creation Date now display in the same format that is used internally to store them
CHANGE: Set the font for Window Designer errors to use the IDE Fixed Font size (8) to visualize the correct column of an error
CHANGE: report better errors when a an error is found in the REPORT/WINDOW structure

FIX: Current position in event queue could become incorrect if too many events are posted rapidly
FIX: DCT Editor, Column Editor was not showing properly some controls like the characters and places entry
FIX: DCT Search Form didn't open if the DCT was not in focus
FIX: Expand/Contract all nodes in the Data Pad didn't have the correct tooltip
FIX: Template generate embed responses must be removed after exit from the WINDOW/REPORT Designer
FIX: Window Designer error message was not read-only and the error wrapped over multiple lines

PTSS 39908: embed tree showing existing embeds as orphaned 
PTSS 39930: POST's order disturbed 
PTSS 39904: ImageEx Controls on Tabs not displaying 
Release Notes: C9.0.10094

Fixes/Features/Changes --- Alpha rel 2-----

FEATURE: Support for coloring the LIST control column headers and text (**this is a Work In Progress, UI refinements and template support to come**)
FEATURE: Support of PROPLIST:BarFrame, PROPLIST:HdrTextColor and PROPLIST:HdrBackColor properties in the ListBox control
FEATURE: Support of PROPLIST:BarFrame, PROPLIST:HdrTextColor and PROPLIST:HdrBackColor properties in the ListBox Format Editor 
FEATURE: Support of Sort column in LIST controls 
FEATURE: Add HT and HB modifiers to LIST format string to support column/group header's text and background colors
FEATURE: new properties for the LIST control:
	PROPLIST:HdrSortTextColor EQUATE (7C2CH) ! integer: Text color in header of sort column
	PROPLIST:HdrSortBackColor EQUATE (7C2DH) ! integer: Background color in header of sort column
	PROPLIST:SortTextColor    EQUATE (7C2EH)     ! integer: Text color of sort column
	PROPLIST:SortBackColor    EQUATE (7C2FH)     ! integer: Background color of sort column

FEATURE: Added the ResetIDE.exe to the Tools->Options
FEATURE: Added specific toolbar items for Project, apps, resources. 
FEATURE: ClaImg: Image Function to Rotate and Flip
FEATURE: ClaImg: Image Function to Save a Thumbnail image
FEATURE: WMFParser, Added the option to skip invalid external images in the processing of the WMF file (Set/Get SkipInvalidExternalIamges)

CHANGE: Added some virtual methods to make it possible for the ReportTargetSelectorClass to be easily derived
CHANGE: Addins Manager now shows the installation path for the user installed addins
CHANGE: IDE Notification popups are now off by default
CHANGE: The ResetIDE tool will disable its options if the IDE is running

FIX: #GROUP name mispelling
FIX: Addins Manager was showing the .sdaddin extension in the installed addins dialog but the .sdaddin format is not supported
FIX: Addins Manager was not showing the user installed addins by default
FIX: Addins installed outside the Accessory directory were not displayed in the list of installed addins. 
FIX: Clip rectangle could be incorrect sometimes on drawing a themed background
FIX: Drawing underscore for shortcuts under Win 8
FIX: File Drivers were not removed from the Driver Registry List
FIX: If you removed a file driver or synchronizer from the list of registered components, the component would reappear in the list the next time you started the IDE
FIX: Open via Redirection Form control layout 
FIX: Opening a Solution in a different folder with the exact same name as the currently open Solution would reopen the existing Solution rather than the newly selected one
FIX: Sometimes when a PRAGMA is selected in a new CLW IDE might show a warning message
FIX: Sometimes an exception could trigger when closing the Solution, if while it is in the process of closing the user clicked on the .App in the Solution
FIX: The Report template was generating a call to GetSelected() instead of GetReportSelected()

PTSS 39880: Additional toolbar buttons on Solution Pad
PTSS 39882: #GROUP name mispelling: %WindowIsOneInstace 
PTSS 39888: Open File via Redirection file dialog - Copy button not resizing. 
PTSS 39888: Open File via Redirection file dialog - Copy button not resizing. 
PTSS 39895: ReportTargetSelectorClass was doing a RETURN instead of a "Do ProcedureReturn" in the Clarion chain 
PTSS 39902: Unable to register any Addins