Clarion AnyScreen - Clarion

looks like a LOT of stuff works then. :grinning: :upside_down_face:

Not the end of the world. But a rich text thing would be very useful. Hoping a javascript solution will be tenable with the next version increment.

It would definitely be nice to have a definitive list of what does not work (or needs extra work to make it work).

We are trying to use CPCS with AnyScreen 1.2 but it doesn’t work. The CPCS developer acknowledges work needs to be done to make it work but wants to wait for AnyScreen version 2.0 which he says is forthcoming.
What is the projected date for AnyScreen 2.0 availability?

Before paying for AnyScreen 2.0, I suggest waiting to test it through a C11 version first.
If it passes your tests in the C11 IDE, then go for AnyScreen server itself.
Otherwise, save your funds.

We’ve paid for AS for 2 years now and have AnyScreen server version 1.0 running in C11 with CPCS on a very limited basis with a couple of our clients. We found 1.0 to be unstable with larger reports, and 1.2 doesn’t work at all. Lee at Creative Reporting is waiting for version 2.0 before making any more changes to CPCS. Hence the need for a timeline on AS 2.0.

I think “soon” is probably as good as you are going to get as probably nobody knows apart from SV (assuming they know).

Marko did a webinar a few weeks back on Weds Jan 26th 2022 - see:

During the webinar Marko said AS 2.0 would be released the week following the webinar. Does anyone know if it was released to SV and if so when it may be released to the public?

Hello again Rich

Robert Zaunere from SV has posted on the AS newsgroup:

We are finalizing a new 11.1 release that will integrate with AnyScreen 2.0, so expect a release end of this week or the start of next week.


Geoff R

Great, thanks Geoff!

How about the actual AnyScreen 2.0 release timing?

Hi Douglas

I am not SV but just reporting/relaying what SV said over on the AS newsgroup:

So nothing specifically from Z regarding an AnyScreen release?
Sorry for asking but SV has long blacklisted me from the newsgroups.

I was assuming AS 2 was to be released at or around the same time as the new 11.1 release.

Yes, a reasonable assumption. However, we know SV has often been guided by other ideas.

RZ’s message is in AnyScreen ngs so I guess that coming release of Clarion will have AS 2.0

… or end of next week.

…or end of month. Possibly by end of year.

I haven’t received an email yet, but…

thanks Jeff - and the list of fixes is dated a couple of weeks back…

Clarion 11.1.13788 February 8, 2022

PRAGMA (‘option(eol_is_space => on | off)’)

Still need to double every left curly brace, especially in JavaScript.