Is there any way to copy file to shared folder on network, but folder is not shared for everyone. Copy has to be done with specific username and password , without system dialog screen ?
So do you mean that you want me be able to copy a file there, even though I don’t have it shared to me, by providing a user and password?
I think I’d say no, at least using all the usual copy commands.
You could probably acheive this using something like ftp or similar.
I just asked ChatGPT the question and it suggested you might be able to issue a NET USE to do this.
You would put the following inside RUN()
Something like
NET USE Z: \\Server\Share /USER:DomainName\UserName Password
Not I have never tried this approach. Issue this after the copy.
I’d be curious to learn if it works.
When I need to do this, I wrote a little .net utility that uses ProcessStartInfo to start a child process using specified credentials stored in an encrypted file. Then in the child process I do the actual copy file operation.
I’ll work around your suggestion. It could works.
I Would have also used the Windows API ProceessStartInfo from within the Clarion App