Hi all,
I am available immediately for remote work for any kind of project; short or long term. Clarion developer with more than 20 years of experience in Clarion (ABC and Legacy) working with MS-SQL, Oracle, TPS. Knowledge in most of the Capesoft templates, Clarion free image, Icetips templates and others.
We can also build web apps and mobile apps too to integrate with Clarion apps if necessary.
You can take a look to our portfolio here: https://www.behance.net/TDCSoftware
Located in Catalonian, Spain. Can communicate in English and Spanish fluently.
Best regards.
I just reviewed your portfolio. That’s impressive work! Your message, above, is about a year old. Are you still looking for Clarion freelance work?
Hi Andrew, thanks for your kind words.
Just finished a complex project and now yes, Im looking for work.
What can I do for you?
Thanks for your quick reply. I’m on a conference call at the moment. When it’s done, I’ll get my thoughts together and a message back to you.
Andy Flewelling
Cell - 207-831-4430
It’s not a project per se. I’m writing a program that does some interaction with the web through APIs. At the moment, my need is frighteningly small. I just need to know how to form the HTTPwebrequest for a post, preferably using built-in procedures in Clarion. I reviewed the example program, but am unable to get the json data formatted correctly for the API to accept it. For someone who knows clarion’s HTTP web request, I’m guessing this couldn’t be more than an hour’s work if it was that. Anything you’re interested in? I can’t make any promises but, if I can get some success here, the effort could become bigger. I can set up a zoom meeting to discuss it further, if you’d like. Or, just take it over to emails. Or, a Discord channel.
Okay. I’m off the call.
It’s not a project per se. I’m writing a program that does some interaction with the web through APIs. At the moment, my need is frighteningly small. I just need to know how to form the HTTPwebrequest for a post, preferably using built-in procedures in Clarion. I reviewed the example program, but am unable to get the json data formatted correctly for the API to accept it. For someone who knows clarion’s HTTP web request, I’m guessing this couldn’t be more than an hour’s work if it was that. Anything you’re interested in? I can’t make any promises but, if I can get some success here, the effort could become bigger. I can set up a zoom meeting to discuss it further, if you’d like. Or, just take it over to emails. Or, a Discord channel. Or, stay here.
Andy Flewelling
Cell - 207-831-4430
No problem but I use NetTalk from Capesoft to do this kind of things.
Clarion Html is not as good as I need.
What Clarion version are you using?
I cant say if its an hour work or not, first of all I need to study and understand how tha API works.
I usually do this using Insomnia and once all works ok I code as needed.
I you explain me what do you need an how to do it using the API, may be with the API documentation or the API WSDL and give me the credentials I can test all the work to do with Insomnia and calculate the total of hours work.
My rate is u$59/hour for this kind of short work.
I’m using cw11. Let me give some thought to how to scope this for an estimate. I may fold more into it than I originally envisioned.
Andy Flewelling
Cell - 207-831-4430
Hi Andrew, thanks for your words and assessment of our projects. You are actually talking about TDC software portfolio so I am not sure why “michelis” besides answer to your message and thank you because this post was created by myself (Victoria) and we do not have nothing to do with the other user. Anyway… if you are interested in our job and you want us to work in any project, we can keep talking about it private. We are experts in Clarion working currently in most of our projects with C11. We also know many templates mainly Capesosft templates. We also build mobile apps, REST WS, web apps and of course desktop apps that can interface with any Clarion app if necessary. We build new projects or are able to maintain existing projects. Thanks again. Victoria
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FWIW, yesterday, I receive a ClarionHub message from Aflewel, I thought he was talking about me and I respond it and so on…
I am not part of TDC software, Im a freelance Clarion Developer.
I apologise if that message was not for me.
Alberto, thank you for the clarification.