Clarion IP Driver version 11

Clarion IP Driver version 11

When we updated the IP Driver for version 11 we made two important changes; we moved from OpenSSL to LibreSSL, and (*as of version 11) the IP Server/Driver only supports secure data communications (SSL/TLS). This is covered in both the driver reference manual and the online help file, but it is easy to explain with these screenshots:


IP Server manager

Here we specify two ports; the port used by the RMadmin program, and the port used by the Clarion desktop client app.


Specify the 2 ports for the IP Server


IP Driver ports

When connecting to the server for admin work; registering data managers, etc., we connect using the RMadmin program on the ‘ Administrator Port’ , and in our Clarion client app we specify to connect on the ‘ Client Secure Port’ . You can choose any ports that are open on your machine, just be sure your firewall allows traffic on the ports you specify.

Clarion IP Driver version 11 - Clarion