I have some classes that are not listed by the AB Class Viewer.
For example; jmPrintFromQ … as defined in .INC/.CLW attachments below.
Not listed …
jmABCExt.CLW (2.7 KB) jmABCExt.INC (1.6 KB)
Any suggestions ?
TiA - John M
I have some classes that are not listed by the AB Class Viewer.
For example; jmPrintFromQ … as defined in .INC/.CLW attachments below.
Not listed …
jmABCExt.CLW (2.7 KB) jmABCExt.INC (1.6 KB)
Any suggestions ?
TiA - John M
Assuming you’ve put the files in %ClarionRoot%\Libsrc\Win and hit ‘Refresh ABC Classes’ then they are present - just not quite where you’re looking for them
You’ve used a lower case j and m so your classes are listed at the end and not between classes beginning with upper case I and L - see image…
Just a small correction. The recomended place for anything other than SV classes since V7 is %ClarionRoot%\Accessory\LibSrc\Win.
Yes you’re right of course, missed that
You can add your own folders
see SV.IDE > Tools > Options > Clarion > Clarion for Windows > Version > Tab[General]
there is a list of “Directories scanned for ABC Classes”
which is persisted in the %ConfigDir%\ClarionProperties.xml
inside of each Clarion Version see the <libsrc value="...." />
for a ; delimited list of folders
Aha !!! … Many thanks, Graham ; That had not occurred to me.
Yes - That’s what I’m doing … To separate my stuff from all the “other crud” !
Regards, John M