Convert Clarion RPT to ABC RPT?


I have a few reports in a Clarion Legacy template app, and was wondering about best method to move them to ABC app?

I have tried export to TXA, changing template family and then Import, but the IDE throws an exception.
Are there other changes I can make to the TXA before importing,
or do I do it manually, and copy the report structure across?



depending on the report and any templates and embeds within it, you might find it easier to just copy the report structure and embed code to a new report and then recreate the missing bits.

I have converted reports in the past, by doing what you have with the TXA, but I did find some embed code was assuming what was coming next and it no longer was.

Make sure all references to Clarion in the TXA are changed to ABC. Not just Family.

Hi Sean/Bruce

Thanks, did not manage the change of the TXA,
in the end I copied report structure, and manually moved the embed code across.




You can try the Legacy to ABC Converter that shipped with C5.5 and

Bo Schmitz of ComSoft7 and Kiwk Systems had a tool to convert Legacy to ABC. I think it was a Utility template. It worked by changing some specific things e.g. “Clarion” to “ABC”.

I think it was a pretty good tool and method. I cannot recall if it tried to change code e.g. LocalRequest to ThisWindow.Request.

Bo died in 2015. AFAIK none of his stuff is available on the web, and it was not purchased nor picked up by anyone. If someone has his paid tools it would be helpful to have them posted on GitHub.

In the Fake Install topic I post a zip of Bo’s free tools.

BLATWiz.tpl picks up where the Softvelocity templates left off. Converts over 77 legacy embeds to ABC embed points. It also converts Window, control, and Browser embeds. Runs from the ide with a template wizard. Converts loaded app, or select a separate txa to use. Creates a backup and can import the txa automatically back into the ide. You can change the embeds it converts too.

also see:

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