Deploy AzureAD from a Clarion Desktop App

Hi Friends,

I have a client using a Billing application that uses the supersecurity template for login and permissions, this system has been in use for a while now. This client is using Microsoft AzureAD to manage their other corporate applications and now they are asking us to use this service from our application (desktop app) made in Clarion 10.0.12799 for user account authentication.

I have no idea how to do this from my application?
Could someone please help me, I’m lost.

While you’re waiting for an answer from someone who knows about it, here’s something to read. :slight_smile: NetTalk LDAP

Hi jslarve,

Thanks a lot for the link, unfortunately I don’t have the Nettalk template.


If you’re “lost” you’re probably not going to get un-lost quickly.

As Jeff says, using NetTalk’s LDAP template to communicate to on-premises Active Directory is straightforward. I do that all the time.
If you were trying to do that and did not own the NetTalk template, the question would be how much your time is worth? There’s nothing magic about NetTalk. You could figure out how to do what it does just using Clarion. But the development of that for just the LDAP part would probably take hundreds of hours, unless you already have a good understanding.

Is your client’s Active Directory only in Azure or do they also have local domain controller(s)? If they have local, then NetTalk LDAP would work.

Googling just now, it seems that LDAP against Azure AD is not straightforward.
And it’s one thing just to query it (does a user exist, is the user in a particular group). It’s another thing to authenticate the user with his Active Directory username and password. (Easy with on-premesis AD and NetTalk).

Here are a few links that might give some hints:

There’s also documentation for a REST API

Hi Friends,

I was talking to my boss and he told me that he decided to buy the Noyantis Chilkat template that allows you to connect to AzureAD, but I see that he doesn’t have an implementation example.

If anyone can help me with this template I would really appreciate it. My Clarion version is 10.0.12799.