Did you know about PROP:WindowsVersion? (With Poll!)

This is something that I was never aware of but after a quick check I see it was there going back at least to Clarion6.It looks like it could be handy!


Returns the string that describes Windows version running the program.

Question: Did you know about this feature already?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Not telling :slight_smile:
0 voters

Robert Zaunere pointed out on the newsgroups that this feature had some extra functionality added fairly recently as well.

From the release notes I see:

FEATURE: SYSTEM{PROP:WindowsVersion} now works for Windows 8

Clarion 10.11897
FEATURE: SYSTEM{PROP:WindowsVersion} now supports an optional index parameter (1-10) to make it easier to retrieve information on the OS

…and the snippet posted by Robert which is also in the help file along with additional details:


SYSTEM{PROP:WindowsVersion,[index#]} ! - The Clarion description of the Windows version

The SYSTEM{PROP:WindowsVersion} supports passing an optional index parameter from 1 to 10:

SYSTEM{PROP:WindowsVersion,1}  ! - The Clarion description of the Windows version  (same value as without an index parameter)
SYSTEM{PROP:WindowsVersion,2}  ! - Description of Windows version from Windows itself
SYSTEM{PROP:WindowsVersion,3}  ! - Major version number
SYSTEM{PROP:WindowsVersion,4}  ! - Minor version number
SYSTEM{PROP:WindowsVersion,5}  ! - Build number
SYSTEM{PROP:WindowsVersion,6}  ! - Service pack number
SYSTEM{PROP:WindowsVersion,7}  ! - Returns '1' if program is running on 64 bit Windows, otherwise an empty string
SYSTEM{PROP:WindowsVersion,8}  ! - Returns '1' if program is running on a server version of Windows, otherwise an empty string
SYSTEM{PROP:WindowsVersion,9}  ! - Equate value representing the Windows version (separate for client and server versions)
SYSTEM{PROP:WindowsVersion,10} ! - Equate value representing the Windows edition

What do you think, any uses for this or do you all use WinEvent?