I am using clarion 6.2 and mssql 19 database.
All tables in dct have standard driver Microsoft SQL.
App works fine.
I decided to switch on newer connection via DRIVER={SQL Server Native Client 11.0}
I modyfied ownername like this:
ownername=‘server,database,login,password;Encrypt=No;TrustServerCertificate=No;DRIVER={SQL Server Native Client 11.0}’
App is working almost fine, but few browsers cause GPFs.
Any ideas what is going on?
Experimentally I have deleted joined tables from table schematic file browsing list box randomly .
This action removes gpf.
I suspect a syntax error but MS Profiler doesn’t show anything wrong.
a) did you change from the Clarion MSSQL driver (which is a modified ODBC driver), to an ODBC driver? I’m not entirely sure what Clarion does when it uses the MSSQL driver. I guess there is some environment variable set that tells it which ODBC driver to talk to, or maybe you do have to change in in the owner string in the dictionary, like you maybe did, not sure…
b) did you change all of your dictionary owner strings identically? Clarion will be opening new connections to the database for every different owner string, so you could have ended up with one table opened on the new string and one on the old string, which is going to cause trouble with joins (I think) and logouts (for sure).