Easy Edge Chromium 1.7 - Remove Window Caption Bar

I added it to a BrowseWindow. Is it posiibel to remove the header:

it is rather big.
I would like to have that information (Index of xxx) in a field like this:

File explorer in Easy Edge matches file explorer style in Microsoft Edge browser.
You can however change html elements style as you like. For example, “header” element size can be decreased if you call this in OnDOMContentLoaded event handler:

  !- decrease header size
  SELF.ExecuteScriptAsync('' |
    & 'var header = document.getElementById("header");'  |
    & 'header.style.fontSize = "15px";')

Press Ctrl-U to view the source of a page and find element IDs.

Thank you, the changing of the Header works .
But now the following: I want to disable ‘zooming’ no problem thats a selection box to set.
But I want to change the font to the same font as my application. I’ve added the FileExplorer to a browse and Explorer has a different font and that fontsize should be saved

Well, you can do the following:

  • Remove the script above from OnDOMContentLoaded embed point.

  • Add this script to Initialization completed -> Finish embed point:

    SELF.AddScriptToExecuteOnCreate( ‘’ |
    & ‘document.addEventListener(’‘DOMContentLoaded’’, function() {{’ |
    & ’ document.body.style.fontFamily = “Verdana”;’ |
    & ’ document.body.style.fontSize = “12px”;’ |
    & ’ var header = document.getElementById(“header”);’ |
    & ’ header.style.fontSize = “15px”;’ |
    & ‘}, false);’ )

This script changes body font to Verdana 12px, then changes header’s font size to 15px. You can tweak it for your needs.

Mike: what are these characters? - AddScriptToExecuteOnCreate( ‘’ |
or “Verdana”;
I mean the quotes ? I copied and paste this code but errors.

Sorry, unwanted formatting happened, grab the code from attached file.
DOMContentLoaded.clw (583 Байта)

Thanks for your help.

I put the code here: but does not seem to do anything.

fileViewer1.OnDOMContentLoaded PROCEDURE(STRING pNavigationId)
! Start of “OnDOMContentLoaded DATA”
! [Priority 5000]

! End of “OnDOMContentLoaded DATA”
! Start of “OnDOMContentLoaded CODE”
! [Priority 5000]
SELF.AddScriptToExecuteOnCreate( ‘’ |
& ‘document.addEventListener(’‘DOMContentLoaded’’, function() {{’ |

Reread my reply:

  • Remove the script above from OnDOMContentLoaded embed point.
  • Add this script to Initialization completed -> Finish embed point:

Thank you - it works. Used the wrong embed.