Error : format.clw not found

When I compile an application built with c11, the error message ‘Source file Format.clw not found’ appears, what’s the problem? can anyone help me? Previously I said thank you


what I can say is that Format.clw is not a standard Clarion 11 file. So try to check if you have installed all 3-rd party templates/classes OR check your modules name in your Solution.

I installed the 3rd one, I repeated the process, but the error message still appeared

Does Format.clw appear in your Solution tree files? You can try deleting it there and see if that fixes. If it reappears then something is adding it, likely a template.

Search all the files in your project folder for Format.clw. Export to TXA and search that. If you can find the code referencing it then we can help

I had this problem
Solution: I reloaded my APP with another name (rename)


I have applied your advice, nothing related to ‘format.clw’. When I compile an application built with c11, the error message ‘Source file Format.clw not found’,

I have renamed the app, the old app and clw I deleted, I re-created it then generated it and the result was the same error.

Try to search for Format.clw string in ALL your Clarion Templates and LIBSRC folders to understand where it comes from…

Also if you have somewhere MODULE(‘format’) statement, the compiler can treat it as “format.clw” module.

Suggest you add a screen capture of

  1. The Errors Panel
  2. The Solution Panel expanded to show CLWs

Plus the text contents of the Output panel, Right-click Select All



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