Excel style column filters on a browse?

Hi Guys,
Has anyone managed to make a template or uses specific code that will allow you to right mous click on a colum heading of a browse and filter records from that column?
Much like this…

Im using C11 latest version with a MSSQL backend.
If no column filter template, any other advuse / suggestion?


Hi Justin,

Our wrapper template for the Codejock ReportControl (list control) provides in line filters and search / highlight options.

A demo of it in action is available here :-1:

We use this in all of our lists and the customers love it :slight_smile:



Here is a screenshot of a typical browse type screen within one of our applications. Its using the ReportControl with the InLine Filter capability…

Thanks Andy, Ill check it out



Ask Oleg Fomin from http://fomintools.com He has the Taboga Interactive Filter template