Hi all! I had to reinstall Clarion 11 on a new PC and now I have an error when running a multi DLL app. It happens with some Browses, it also happens with another app that uses Capesoft FM3. I didn’t make any changes, just recompiling for testing. I’m using Clarion 11 13855
That usually means that there’s a mismatch in dll’s somewhere. Perhaps you need to clean and rebuild everything.
Maybe there’s an old dll getting loaded that should not.
Ok, I’ll keep checking, if I find the solution I’ll let you know, thank you very much!
Did you look at the line number 448 in Formalarios015.clw?
Exception c0000005 means you have an illegal memory access. Typically the bad address is Zero, i.e. a Null Pointer, often something that has not been initialized.
This can be the caused by a number of things. The place to start is as Jeff suggested looking at the code lines around line 448 of Formalarios015.clw. Post the 10 lines above and below line 448 here for help. You must open the Module on the Editor, not the procedure in the embeditor.
As Sean noted if your DLLs are not all compiled, or are mismatched, this can cause bad memory reads. If the External data does not exactly match the actual Exported data there will be a problem.
I finally managed to fix the problem, I deleted the entire AppData\Roaming\SoftVelocity\Clarion directory and now I don’t have the error. I’m using Windows 11, it’s giving me a lot of problems, I think I’m going to go back to Windows 10.
Thanks a lot for the help!