Generate file declarations in Modules


Generate file declarations in Modules

What is this option?
Any benefits to put it on?


Johan de Klerk

Normally, all of the file definitions used by an APP are declared in the global AppName.clw module.
In case where the number of tables in the dictionary causes problems, you can check this option and then the templates do not declare the tables in the global module. Instead, they are declared in the module for the procedures that use a particular table. So only the tables used by the procedures in a module actually get declared.
I’ve never used it myself.

Hi Rick,

Thanks for the explanation.


Johan de Klerk

We are using this option because our DCT has more than 750 tables and without this option being ticked we started getting the following error:

But, this option did not work with IP Driver enabled application. Therefore, we had to made few template changes as a workaround.

Hope that helps


Hi Mathew,

Thanks for the explanation.
It is starting to make sense a lot more.

You have a lot of files, luckily I am not even 1/2 way there.


Johan de Klerk