I’m trying to sign pdf with a certificate. It works if I manually open some certificate from the windows store, copy value of Thumbnail property and sign with it.
Now I need to provide a list of certs available in the windows store to the user of my app. How do I get a list of certs, so I can pull thumbnail from selected one?
I’ve checked CS Cryptonite but it does not seem to have such option, any other idea?
I’ve managed to get some list of certs using Cryptonite. Only problem is I need to actually generate thumbprint.
Thumbprints are not stored in cert store, they are calculated at runtime. It seems thumbprint is a hashed certificate data, but I don’t think Cryptonite has this particular data available in some property.
I’ll probably have to wait for Bruce to fiddle with it, hopefully.
Jeff, I have checked your C example and managed to call the method to get hash from a cert. What I struggle with is the pvData property which is described as a “pointer to buffer where an array of BYTE values are”. So generally I get pvData back as some huge Long number and dbcData of value 20 (bytes of data in the buffer).
But i don’t know how to read this data now using pvData and length. PvData is long, while array of Bytes is supposed to be a string really.
Any clarification on this? Pointers for some reason always come up as rocket science to me somehow